Topic Guide to Louisiana Lottery (1868-1895)

The information and links below include search tips and a selection of articles covering this topic in the digitized Louisiana newspapers. The dates and suggested search terms can help to further explore this topic on Chronicling America. For the most search results, try the search terms in different combinations, in proximity, and as phrases.

Significant Dates

1868 - Louisiana State Lottery Company authorized a 25 year charter by the Louisiana General Assembly
1870s - Anti-lottery leagues and religious groups campaign to end lotteries
1878 - Louisiana Lottery remains the last legal lottery in the U.S. with over 90% of its revenue coming in from other states
1890 - Federal law prohibits using the mail system to transport tickets and advertisements across state lines, effectively ending national participation in state lotteries
1893 - Louisiana Lottery holds its final drawing when its charter expires

Suggested Search Terms

Louisiana Lottery, Louisiana Lottery Company, Louisiana State Lottery Company, Anti-Lottery League

Sample Articles