Yes, LSU Online students are eligible to check out Gear 2 Geaux items, but they would have to come to the library to check them out. Persons with extenuating circumstances should contact Circulation by sending an email to ( .
Answered by: Karl Simmerman
Some individuals not affiliated with LSU may receive limited borrowing privileges. These individuals include:
- Louisiana residents (age 18 or older) with valid photo ID
- Out-of-state residents who teach in Louisiana K-12 schools (must be requested by principal or superintendent)
- Out-of-state residents who attend LALINC institutions (must have LALINC Card)
- Out-of-state residents working for Louisiana state agencies
- OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program participants
- Visiting scholars from out-of-state institutions (must be requested by an LSU dean or department head)
- Graduate students from institutions located in other states or countries (must be requested by thesis advisor, department head, or a librarian at their home institution)
- Adjunct LSU Faculty with gratis appointments
These privileges do not include offsite access to databases. Public Patrons may borrow up to 10 books for a period of 28 days. Audio-Visual items circulate for 7 days. All Special Borrowers are subject to all rules and regulations including all library fees. Please apply for a Public Patron Card at the Access Services Desk in room 241 of LSU Library. Please direct any additional questions or concerns to ( .
LSU Libraries | Borrowing Policies
Answered by: Karl Simmerman
Unfortunately, the library cannot give out guest passes to LSU Wi-Fi. Guest access to any LSU Wi-Fi network can only be granted by LSU ITS. ITS requires a faculty or staff member to request "sponsored" access in advance. This means that visiting scholars, etc. can work with LSU faculty or staff to become a "sponsored guest," but walk-in visitors to LSU Library will usually not be able to gain Wi-Fi access.
Guest Accounts: LSU Overview
Service Desk | LSU Information Technology Services
Answered by: Karl Simmerman
Yes, we treat donation box requests on a case-by-case basis. LSU students, staff, and faculty can place donation boxes in the Main Library to collect donations of books, canned goods, and other materials for a charitable cause. To make this request, please fill out the following form ( . Please use this form to request an event, organize an information table, or set up a display in the Library as well as similar requests.
I am a student at LSU and am part of a club that wishes to collect donations to give to various charities. Is this possible and if so, whom should I contact to arrange for this sort of thing?
Answered by: Randa Lopez Morgan
LSU Library used to offer a service that allowed library to patrons to recall items checked out to other patrons. Access Services no longer offers this option. Instead, if LSU Librarys copy of an item is checked out, patrons can obtain a different copy of the item through Interlibrary Loan. Catalog records for items that are checked out contain links for Interlibrary Loan that import the items citation information directly into a request form. In certain rare situations, library staff may recall an item from a patron.
LSU Libraries | Interlibrary Loan
Answered by: Karl Simmerman