Carl Maddox: Many times, you have help from a good many sources. You may start the recruitment and the head coach will finish it up. For instance, Baton Rouge was in my recruiting . . . or at least most . . . part of Baton Rouge was. And so, I guess because of my friendship with Big Fuzzy Brown at Istrouma [High School], I had a small part, very small part in the recruitment of Billy Cannon. Johnny Robinson was at University High and I had a part in his recruitment.
Scott Purdy: Did you have any surprises, walk-ons that turned out to be great that maybe weren't recruited?
Maddox: Yes, although I didn't have anything to do with it, Mickey Mangham came to us as a walk-on and nobody knew anything about him. And it didn't take him long to earn himself a scholarship and he turned out to be very, very fine football player and has turned out to be a very fine man.
-- Carl Maddox, interviewed by Scott Purdy, 1993