Well, I don’t know that I settled on football as such. I went to high school and participated in all four of the senior team sports: football, baseball, basketball, and track at Terrebonne [High School]. As a matter of fact, I was the only four year letterman at my high school. So I did it all. I guess had enough ability that LSU, or . . . you know, and I did well in football as well. That’s where the scholarships were, and we were talked to by a number of schools, in the state and a few outside of the state for interest. And that’s where the scholarships were. And if you remember my background, you know, my parents were humble people who had no means, who did not go to college. And, it was the way to go to advance yourself. But, predominantly, I have to admit, Scott, it was the fulfillment of the athletic dream, okay. That was as much a motivation as the academics.
-- Merle Schexnaildre, interviewed by Scott Purdy, 1993