B. G. Farrar Papers
Hd Qrs. US Forces
Natchez Jany 19 1864
Comdg Officer 2nd
Miss, AD(?)
You will turn over to Mr. Packard lessee of Mosville Plantation, all the hands that your recruiting officers have conscripted and taken from said plantation.
If you continue to corrupt the hands in the employ of lessees, duly appointed by the Commdr. who represents the government, you will be arrested and reported to Capt. Hd. Qr. for disobedience of orders.
Reply to
[On the reverse:]
Hd Qrts 2nd Miss
Natchez Jan 19 1864
Col. B G Farrar
I will refer the within to you and await your answer before taking any action in the matter.
Respectfully your obd servt
H. A. McCaleb