David Hunt Letters
Lake Concordia January 10, 1822
Mr. David Hunt
Dear Sir
I received your letter dated December 14th 1821. I am very sorry that you could not pay me a visit for I think if you was to see the place that you would think five hundred dollars a very [high?] rent taking every thing into concideration cince I hav been on the place I hav added to the field sixty acres of land which was grown up with thorns, briers and other stuff but it was my intention to stay this year if we could agree on the price. I will giv you for this year five hundred dollars if the water dont come over and if it over flows I will pay no rent all though I think five hundred dollars very high rent but on them terms I will take the place for this year. As respects last years rent I will pay as soon as possible. I am now atrying to get my cotton to the gin but the weather is such that I make a bad hand of it. But I hope I will be able to pay you in a few days. I am verry sorry that you have had to wait this long for your money. I will leav your money at the house of Mr. Fisks in company as soon as possible let me know from you as soon as you can.
Yours respectfully
Ed [Edmond] Senak[?]