David Hunt Letters
N. Orleans 25th October 1823
David Hunt Esq.
Dear Sir
Your esteemed favor of 15th past wk 19th is before us-
Several Wealthy planters on the river coast have through a friend of ours been anxious to obtain cotton seed from the bay of Honduras of standards as being the highest point at which they can be obtained but no vessel has as yet been dispatched in that direction, nor indeed is there any commerce with the parts of Mexico or the Republic of Columbia where cotton is exported. We know of no better chances thus far than getting the seed from Vera Cruz and if you wish it, Mr. Hunt, with great pleasure undertake to get our supply.
It is impossible to form an idea of the cash. The seed probably will cost nothing but the transportation from the interior and the shipping charges may be great.
Please to say what are your wishes- or if you think proper we can get [?] from the Carolinas a specimen of the green seed or upland cotton, the Sea Island or the fant[?] which cotton is as far as we can judge from sh----[?] in Charleston about the quality [?].
We have calculated that you were all this summer enjoying the healthy and pleasing territory of the western country and regret with you the cause of t his disappointment.
Natchez is still the scene of suffering beyond all former example an of d we experience much surprise that there has been no better or more ingenuous account of its origin than has yet become public. They must rest their hopes entirely upon God and hard and repeated frosts.
We are doing very little in cotton as yet the dreadful havoc of rot and [?] seems to have influenced the physical energies of the Planters. What we have rec'd is generally of but middling quality and apart very poor indeed but the cotton price we have had [?] at 18 cents.
The English markets are discouraging or at least vacillating and unsteady and has sunk from 9 c 13 to 8 c 12 peak and as the falling off, every thing depends upon the word[?] of the speculators who are the principal holders.
They are alarmed in England at the continued imports of American Cotton and the dream that Baha and other parts of Brazil will pour in large stocks of cotton that have accumulated there during the blockade.
With great respect
J. Brady
Wilkins and Linton