David Hunt Letters
Snowhill [Md] December 3. 1830
Mr. Hunt Dear Sir,
I have a wish to write to you at any rate while I am writing I will ask the favour of you to forward my dividend. I am in hopes that I shall not have occasion to give you all the trouble in future as I think my friend in Natchez could do it with as little trouble as you. But I want to hear from you and I shold be glad to hear how your friend Dunbar suckseeded in his purchases. He wrote to me from Washington a letter of inquiry respecting the chance of purchaseing on this shore which I honestly informed him was dul[l]. I shold have been glad to have seen him but I knew that he could not complete his purchases hear in any time that he would like to stay. As there was several others here before him whom was advertising at that time for 440 slaves all having the start. His chance was only good for a scattering[?] one sometimes. With respect to the woman that you mentioned, I am out of all hart of obtaining one that I could recommend. I knew of two that I thought either would sute [suit] you but I cannot obtain them on any terms. There has been something said about a new bank in your state. I shold like to know if it will go into operation and what will be the effect on the old one.
My wife and her three children are all well and I hope that you can say the same of yours.
With great esteem I am your friend