McMurran-Austen Family Papers
Feb 21st 1857
It was with much pleasure, dearest Alie, we received letters from you and John on Thursday
Baby grows, but does not gain much flesh. We feed him now with arrowroot. Mary not giving sufficient nourishment for the poor little one. She still nurses him, and will continue to do so, though she has not much strength to spare in that way.
He is almost ravenous sometimes, tugging away, where there is poor return for his labor. It is a real misfortune not to give plenty of milk for one's baby. Only the breast will fully satisfy the infant. This is a great drawback to both Mary and the infant, and is a source of much anxiety to me.
We have visitors almost every day. Yesterday, Charlotte Calhoun and Mr. Robertsonall complain of the inaction in the (little) world of Natchez society. The military companies are today celebrating the 22nd then the Phoenix Ball comes off and there is an end to gaiety (!!) until after Lentwhich commences next Wednesday. After Easter the gentlemen of the Club are to open the new Club House to the ladies in a grand Ball. They will then have in the gas fixtures and illuminate the whole housethese are all the [?] I have collected, so you see what a meagre account it is, dear Alie.
Write often, dearest, to your ever-loving