McMurran-Austen Family Papers
Natchez, March 9, 1858
Dear Son,
Mr. Vardaman writes me he is willing to take the lot of Riverside negroes on hire for Moro the balance of the year. I will instruct the Princess to come to for them and bring them up to Moro Landing on tomorrow week (th 17th) so that you can have them in readiness and advise Mr. Vardaman when you ship I shall instruct him to be ready for them at that time. I suppose you will inform them that it is for the year for want of land at home.
The list will be I wrote you on Saturday my reasons for desiring the change as to Jimmy for Tilda. If you think you might really want a couple of them to cultivate the crop, I suggests to keep Frank and Sallie, as the weakest pair but I hope you can conveniently spare the whole of them, according to your list, with the single change named.
I wish you would send up Diver(?) to me here, when you send up the other Negroes. He may as well bring his tool chest and his clothing, as I may send him up the river before he goes back.
Give him a pass that will carry him by day or night out to here and have his tool chest marked for Harris Wharf boat so that it may not be misplaced there.
I hope to hear from Buckner & St. about the peas on Thursday so that I can order up the gunny bags for the peas on the Princess at the time she takes the Negroes on.
I supposed you supplied some time ago the spring shoes.
You have had fine weather for 3 to four weeks and hope it may continue. All well here and with love to Alie
Yours Affectionately
J.T. McMurran