McMurran-Austen Family Papers
Nov. 12th 1856
I thought of you, my dearest Alie, that very cold Saturday nightfearing you might suffer from exposure in leaving the heated air of the steamer for the [?], frosty atmosphere of the shore. Johns' letter telling of your safe arrival at sunrise the next morning was quite a relief.
I am impatient to know your first impressions and after thoughts of Riverside and hope you will like it as well as John does. Of the three plantations I prefer Riverside, myself: would rather reside on it than either of the others. Being so near the river, and seeing boats passing so constantly, takes from the feeling of loneliness a lady is apt to feel in plantation life, unless thoroughly interested in all its daily business and routine.
Last night the Democrats had a grand torch light rejoicing (that us as grand as they could have in Natchez, which always has been Whig) and from the close approach of the sound of drum and fife, and the cheering, they must have marched to Monmouth to give the General a blast for victory. Farar says it hurts himit makes him madto hear and see a Democrat. Husband feels it too, but as usual, says but little. They say now it is doubtful if your Maryland has gone for Fillmore. I shall be sorry if it is so. Maryland stood alone true to the old faith, and I felt proud of your state, Alie, that it was so. there is scarce a doubt now Buchanan is to be our next President. Well, if they will but hold together our glorious Union we minorities must rest content.
Your own loving and devoted