Peirce-Haralson-Rumble Family Papers
Concord Feby 17th 1856
My dear Frances,
Do excuse my having allowed your welcomed letter to have remained so long unanswered. I have been exceedingly occupied and having been very dull did not like to send you one of my stupid letters�.
Now dear F. I must give you some of the news of our neighborhood as I know even trifles from this place will give you pleasures. There has been but little visiting owing to the very severe winter. The two weddings in Mrs. Conner's family have been the theme of conversation. Rebecca's wedding was very private owing to the death of William Conner's child, and I think Mrs. Conner has not been pleased with this event. Farar's marriage to Miss Marry McMurran much more congenial. This wedding was very gay and pleasant. You cannot imagine how much happiness has improved the uninteresting face of Mrs. Farar Conner. I think you would scarcely recognise her. She has become lively and her face beams with happiness. At the Party given her by Mrs. Genl. Quitman it was remarked upon by all. Can you realize it that we have had a large and brilliant entertainment at Monmouth�dancing kept up until near three o'clock �five musicians�? Maria Chotard and Miss Charlott Calhoun were the belles of the evening. Very few young ladies in society this winter.
You will be surprised to hear of the death of Stephen D. Elliot. Poor man he died on Wednesday last of pneumonia in N. Orleans. His body was brought up in the Southern Bell on Friday evening. He was buried from his Mother's residence and his remains placed in the Cherry Grove graveyard Saturday"�"Miss Ann Wilkins and Maria attended the funeral. They appeared much distressed. They even went down to C. Grove. Six members of the Surget family have died within the last six months�
Miss Mary Linton has returned from N. Orleans. She is looking more beautiful than I have ever seen. The spot upon her cheek is like a dimple. While in NO, Mr. Shibert was very devoted and it is said Miss M�received his attentions with seeming pleasure. Mr. Butenshun(?) is domiciled with Eustace Surget in his new house. They visit together and are called the Rivals. I still think Mary will accept Eustace in the end�
[crosswise, page one] I miss you all very much and how very lonely I am. Mr. Minor and William are absent and Stephen is engaged with his studies�We are all well. We are having the old dining room painted and papered for a parlor. It will be an improvement...Dear Frances, do write soon. I will promise to answer it earlier than I did your last�.Ever believe me to be your attached Aunt
R.A. Minor