Hello! I help preserve the paper and book items at Hill Memorial Library. I create custom housing for unusual pieces which sometimes requires invention, and I stabilize fragile materials so that they can be handled by patrons or digitized. I offer training for proper handling techniques.
I also have a background in artists' books and printmaking.
Conservation Coordinator, LSU Libraries, 2019-Present
Studio Manager, Michelle Pressler Jewelry, 2016-2018
Production Manager, Michelle Pressler Jewelry, 2011-2013
Conservation Intern, American Philosophical Society Library, 2007
Louisiana State University, Master of Library and Information Science (MILS), 2024 anticipated
Louisiana State University, Graduate Certificate in Archival Studies, 2024 anticipated
The University of the Arts, Master of Fine Arts – Book Arts & Printmaking, 2008
Louisiana State University, Bachelor of Fine Arts – Printmaking, 2006
"Promoting Your Collection With Zines: A Workshop and Showcase," Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Annual Meeting. Virtual, 09/27/2021.
"New Acquisition: 1863 Louisiana Volunteer Corps D'Afrique Muster Roll" https://youtu.be/I-wwAfIXlg4
Association of College & Research Libraries - Louisiana Chapter, 2021-Present
College Book Art Association
LSU LGBTQ+ Faculty & Staff Caucus, 2018-Present
Society of Southwest Archivists, 2022-Present
Special Collections Preservation & Conservation
Critical Cataloging & Archival Description
Teaching with Artists’ Books