Director of Open Scholarship & Affordable Learning
Chemistry Librarian
- Louisiana State University, MLIS
- Louisiana State University, M.Ed.
- Louisiana State University, B.S., Chemistry
Book Chapters
Hebert, A. L., & Dunaway, D. J. (2022). Beyond Impact Factor: Understanding Scholarly Metrics and Increasing Exposure. In Sulentic Dowell, M. M., Saal, L. K., Dicarlo, Willingham, T. D. (Eds.), Productivity and Publishing: Writing Processes for New Scholars and Researchers (pp. 171-190). Sage.
Wu, Y., Dunaway, D. J., Lehman, A. (2016). Oil Spill Taxonomy. Oil Spill Impacts: Taxonomic and Ontological Approaches (pp. 29-170). CRC Press.
Wu, Y., Lehman, A., Dunaway, D. J. (2016). Oil Spill Topic Map: Concepts, Relationships, and References. Oil Spill Impacts: Taxonomic and Ontological Approaches (pp. 171-263). CRC Press.
Hebert, A. L., Daugherty, A., Dunaway, D. J. (2016). Maximizing LibAnswers Data to Drive Workflow Processes. (Eds.), Innovative LibGuides Applications: Real World Examples (pp. 105-112). Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Dunaway, D. J., McCarley, R. L. (1994). Enhanced metal nucleation with self-assembled monolayers of omega-substituted silanes studied by scanning force microscopy. Interfacial Design and Chemical Sensing (vol. 561, pp. 162-174). Washington: Amer Chemical Soc.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Dunaway, D. J. (2019). Bibliometrics for Faculty Evaluations: A Statistical Comparison of h-indexes Generated Using Google Scholar and Web of Science Data. CODEX, 5(3), 12-29.
Batte, E., Mazur, S., Frank, E., Dunaway, D., Phillips, L. (2019). LOUIS Membership with Open Textbook Network Brings Incentive for Faculty OER Advocacy on Campuses. CODEX, 5(3), 8-17.
Wu, Y., Lehman, A., Dunaway, D. J. (2015). Evaluations of a large topic map as a knowledge organization tool for supporting self-regulated learning. Knowledge Organization, 42(6), 13.
Wu, Y., Dunaway, D. J. (2013). Creating a large topic map by integrating Wandora and Ontopia. Library Hi Tech, 31(1), 64–75. DOI: 10.1108/07378831311303930.
Wu, W., Adams, P., McCarley, R. L., Dunaway, D. J. (1994). Granularity and superconductor-insulator transition in electrochemically anodized Al films. Applied physics letters, 65(9), 1180–1182. DOI: 10.1063/1.112139.
Dunaway, D. J., McCarley, R. L. (1994). Scanning force microscopy studies of enhanced metal nucleation - au vapor-deposited on self-assembled monolayers of substituted silanes. Langmuir, 10(10), 3598-3606. DOI: 10.1021/la00022a037.
McCarley, R. L., Dunaway, D. J., Willicut, R. J. (1993). Mobility of the alkanethiol gold(111) interface studied by scanning probe microscopy. Langmuir, 9(11), 2775-2777. DOI: 10.1021/la00035a007.
(2019) Center for Community Engagement, Learning & Leadership, Happy Award. LSU award.