Yes, we can work with you to schedule class instruction or a tour. We only ask that you give as much advance notice as possible since the instruction calendar fills up fast, although we try our best to accommodate any requests. Find out more about planning a class with Special Collections: (
Answered by: Kelly Larson
The short answer is no. Like most archives and special collections, we are a non-circulating library. Very few exceptions are made for materials to be taken out of the building. We ask that researchers plan their research approach according to this policy. Review our Reading Room Policies: (
Answered by: Kelly Larson
Yes! The Quiet Study Room, on the second floor of Hill Memorial Library, is open to students throughout the semester on weekdays, from 9am - 5pm. Food and drinks are not allowed in the Quiet Study Room, but may be consumed in the first floor lobby.
Answered by: Kelly Larson
Yes. We accept books, manuscripts, archival materials, and photographs that fall in line with our collecting priorities. You will work with one of our curators to assess the appropriateness of your materials for our collections. We are not able to accept everything offered. We also gratefully accept monetary donations which help fund collection accessibility and preservation, as well as support our educational public programming and exhibitions.
Answered by: Kelly Larson
Yes. The Hill Lecture Hall is generally only available to University affiliated groups for meetings, classes, or events of 100 people or less. The lecture hall is equipped with a podium, microphone, projection screen, tables, and chairs. You must reserve the space in advance, preferably with at least two weeks notice and there may be a service charge. Find out more about reserving the Hill Lecture Hall: (
Answered by: Kelly Larson
Patrons wishing to appeal their fines should use the form found on our website. Please use the link below to read more about library appeals or to submit an appeal form.
LSU Libraries | Borrowing Policy Appeals for Exceptions
Answered by: Karl Simmerman