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Government information is an important component of any research inquiry. LSU Libraries became a federal depository library in 1907, but its collection of government publications dates back to 1789. There are multiple government agencies that produce information on a wide range of topics. We can assist university students, faculty, staff, and researchers as well as anyone from the public with government information research and questions.
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HeinOnline is Heins premier online product with more than 138 million pages of legal history available in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges the gap in legal history by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,300 law and law-related periodicals. In addition to its vast collection of law journals, HeinOnline also contains the Congressional Record Bound volumes in entirety, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, famous world trials dating back to the early 1700s, legal classics from the 16th to the 20th centuries, the United Nations and League of Nations Treaty Series, all United States treaties, the Federal Register from inception in 1936, the CFR from inception in 1938, and much more.
Presently, the database supports Chrome and Firefox only.
Presently, the database supports Chrome and Firefox only.
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Proquest Supreme Court Records and Briefs 1975-2016
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Supreme Court Insight is a complete online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases that includes per curiam decisions, dockets, oral arguments, joint appendices and amici briefs, with harmonized subject and organization indexing. Content associated with each case is compiled on a dynamic page organized to facilitate understanding of the judicial process. This product offers links from case-specific records to other ProQuest Congressional products, including Legislative Insight and Regulatory Insight, for entitled customers.