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Sigrid Kelsey
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Director, Scholarly Publishing & Analytics
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  • LSU Libraries, 1998 - present
    • Librarian, 2008 - present
    • Associate Librarian, 2004 - 2008
    • Assistant Librarian, 1998- 2004
  • Reference Librarian, Whitman College, 1996 - 1998
  • Special Appointment Librarian, Colorado State University, 1995 - 1996
  • University of Texas at Austin, MLIS
  • St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, B.A., English
  • St.Amant, Kirk and Sigrid Kelsey, eds. Computer Mediated Communication across Cultures: International Interactions in Online EnvironmentsIGI Global, 2011. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid E. and Marjorie J. Porter, eds. Best Practices for Corporate Libraries. Libraries Unlimited, 2011. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid and Angela VandenBroek. "Web-Mediated Resource Distribution for a Library Web Site," Codex: Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL. 1.1 (2010): 49-82. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "Harper's Weekly"; "Loyal Publication Society"; "Civil War Newspapers"; and "Thomas Nast," Encyclopedia of Media and Propaganda in Wartime America. Ed. Martin Manning, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "Internet," Encyclopedia of US Political History. Ed. Andrew Robertson, Washington DC: CQ Press, 2010. Kelsey, Sigrid. "Writing for Reference Books" and "Book Reviews," Writing and Publishing: The Librarian's Handbook. Ed. Carol Smallwood. Chicago: The American Library Association, 2009. 

  • Russo Michael, Sigrid Kelsey, and Maud Walsh. "Online Integration of Information Literacy in an Environmental Management Systems Course,"Understanding Online Instructional Modeling: Theories and Practices. Eds. Robert Zheng and Sharmila Pixy Ferris. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2008. (Included as a resource on the ALA/ACRL Instruction Section's Information Literacy in the Disciplines bibliography) 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid and Elisabeth Pankl. "Verbal Text: Communication in the Information Age," Readings for Technical Communication. Ed. Jennifer MacLennan, PhD. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2008. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid and Kirk St.Amant, eds. Handbook of Research on Computer Mediated Communication. IGI Global, 2008. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "Abernathy, Martha"; "Alexander, Charles Wesley"; "Blair, Lorinda Ann"; "Clalin, Frances"; "Clayton, Sallie"; "Gilman, Caroline Howard"; "McKay, Charlotte"; "Moulton, Louise Chandler"; "Prescott, Harriet E."; and "Turchin, Nadine Lvova," Women in the American Civil War. Ed. Lisa Tendrich Frank. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2007. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "Open Source Software and the Corporate World," Handbook of Research on Open Source Software: Technological, Economic, and Social Perspectives. Eds. Kirk St. Amant and Brian Still. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing, 2007: 570-577. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "The Democratic Party"; "Eleanor Roosevelt"; and "Franklin Delano Roosevelt," The Home Front Encyclopedia: United States, Britain, and Canada in World Wars I and II. Ed. James Ciment. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2007. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "Edgar Lee Masters" and "Lyric Poetry." The Facts on File Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry. Ed. Burt Kimmelman. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2005. 

  • Kelsey, Paul and Sigrid Kelsey, eds. Outreach Services in Academic and Special Libraries. Haworth Press, 2004. 

  • Robins, David and Sigrid Kelsey. "Analysis of Web-based Information Architecture in a University Library: Navigating for Known Items," Information Technology and Libraries. 21.4 (December 2002): 158- 169. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid and Deborah Lenares. "E-struction: An Electronic Instruction Program at Louisiana State University and the University of New Orleans," The Reference Librarian 75/76 (2002): 305-314. 

  • ___________. "Hilary Masters," Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 244: American Short-Story Writers Since World War II. Ed. Patrick Meanor and Joseph McNicholas. Detroit: The Gale Group, 2001. 239- 245. 

  • Hopkins, Donna and Sigrid Kelsey. "Patent and Trademark Depository Library Web Pages: A Case Study of Subject Specific Library Web Pages,"E-Libraries Proceedings - 2001. Medford, New Jersey: Information Today, 2001: 49 - 60. 

  • Reference and User Services Association. User Access to Services Committee. "Users' Information-Seeking Behavior: What Are They Really Doing? A Bibliography," Reference and User Services Quarterly 40.3 (Spring 2001): 240-50. 

  • ____________. "Margaret I, Queen of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden (b. 1353, r. 1387-1412)"; "Pacioli, Luca (c. 1445-1515)"; "Paston, John (1421-66)"; "Sforza, Francesco (1401-66)" and "Vergerio, Pietro Paulos, the Elder (c. 1370-1445). The Late Medieval Age of Crisis and Renewal 1300-1500: A Biographical Dictionary. Ed. Clayton J. Drees. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. 325-6. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "Effectively Manage a Web Site: Five Time Saving Methods," Louisiana Libraries 63.2 (2000): 12-13. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid. "Library User Education: Implementing an E-mail Bibliographic Instruction Course at a College Library," LLA Bulletin 61 (Summer 1999): 222-225. 

  • Kelsey, Sigrid and Gregory Odegard. "Internet Guide for Colorado Engineers," Colorado Libraries 22 (Winter 1996): 36-40. 

Editorial Boards 

  • Speaker, with Stephen Beck (LSU) and Roger Wood (InfoEd Global), “Enabling Value featuring InfoEd Global: Showcasing ORCiD-Enabled Scholarly Service Providers,” an ORCiD “Enabling Value” webinar, 11/09/23.
  • Presenter, with Rachel Borchardt, Jennifer Matthews, and Polly Boruff-Jones, "A Proposed Framework for the Evaluation of Academic Librarian Scholarship," Charleston Conference, Charleston, VA, 11/06/19.
  • Presenter, with Ebony McDonald, "LSU Libraries Diversity Residency Program: Planning, Launching, and Assessing," LOUIS Users Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 10/15/19.
  • "Writing and Publishing in the Field of Academic Librarianship," panel member for the Louisiana Virtual Academic Library Conference, 11/15/18.
  • "Keeping Pace with the Transformations of Libraries in an Ever-Diverse Society: Using Social Media to Reach Diverse Populations," a program co-sponsored by the LLA Diversity Interest Group and the LSU School of Library and Information Science, 10/5/13.
  • Presenter, "Catholic Library World: Behind the Scenes," Catholic Library Association 2013 Convention, Houston, TX, 4/4/13.
  • Presenter, with Robbie Gore, "SubjectsPlus," LOUIS Users Annual Conference, 10/14/11.
  • Speaker, "Leadership Breakfast," a meeting of the leadership of the Catholic Library Association, New Orleans, LA, 4/29/11.
  • Presenter, "CSS for e-Library," LOUIS Users Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 10/21/10.
  • Presenter, "Using Google Docs for Gathering and Distributing Data," LOUIS Users Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA 10/21/10.
  • Presenter, "Publish and Flourish: Writing for Academic Librarians," Pre-LUC ACRL-LA Workshop, Baton Rouge, LA, 10/08/08.
  • Presenter, "Preconference: Using Macromedia's Flash to Create a Library Research Tutorial," LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 3/06/07.
  • Presenter, "RSS in Libraries" LOUIS Users Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 10/05/06.
  • Speaker, "Job Hunting and Resume Workshop," a workshop sponsored by the Graduate Library & Information Science Student Association (GLISSA), to the School of Library and Information Science students. Baton Rouge, LA, 4/21/05.
  • Speaker (with Paul Hrycaj and Becky Hebert), "Job Hunting and Resume Workshop," a workshop sponsored by the Graduate Library & Information Science Student Association (GLISSA), to the School of Library and Information Science students. Baton Rouge, LA, 11/04/04.
  • Presenter, with Ted Chaffin, "Flash -- Targeting Undergraduates with Interesting, Interactive, Innovative and Explosive Twists on Everyday Online Tutorials," LOUIS Users Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 10/19/04.
  • Speaker (with Paul Hrycaj and Lydia Acosta), "Job Hunting and Resume Workshop," a workshop sponsored by the Graduate Library & Information Science Student Association (GLISSA), to the School of Library and Information Science students. Baton Rouge, LA, 4/01/04.
  • Presenter, "Basic HTML," a workshop given to teachers from St. Aloysius School and St. Joseph's Academy. Baton Rouge, 04/04/03.
  • Panel Member, "How to Break Into the World of Library Publishing," LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Annual Conference, Gonzales, LA, 03/18/03.
  • Panel Member, "Integrated Full-Text Finders: Libraries' Serials List," LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 03/05/02.
  • Presenter, "Job Hunting: Resume Writing and Interviewing," a presentation given for the Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science (SLIS), 11/08/01.
  • Panel Moderator, "Louisiana Panel Response to Exploring New Roles for Academic Librarians: The Information Literacy Odyssey," ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) -Louisiana/LOUIS Users Joint Conference, Hammond, LA, 10/25/01.
  • Presenter, "Web Site Management," The Association of College and Research Libraries- Louisiana (ACRL-LA) and LOUIS Users Conference (LUC) Joint Conference, Chalmette, LA, 10/12/00.
  • Presenter, "Back to the Basics: Concepts for Library Web Design," given twice at the Louisiana Support Staff Association of Libraries (LaSSAL) Annual Conference, Lafayette, LA, 9/22/00.
  • Presenter, "Incorporating Library Internet Resources in Teaching," a presentation given with Deborah Lenares at the Teaching in Higher Education Forum (THE) annual conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 4/11/00.
  • Panel Member, "Innovative Instruction Incorporating New Technologies," LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Annual Conference, Alexandria, LA, 3/15/00.
  • Presenter: NMRT-Thorpe Associates Grassroots Grant Award, at the "Recognizing the RED Gang: LLA Awards Luncheon" LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Annual Conference, Alexandria, LA, 3/15/00.
  • Chair, W. B. Yeats Panel. Central New York Conference on Language and Literature, SUNY College at Cortland, October 5-7, 1997.
  • Presenter, "Beginning HTML," three workshops, LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, 3/17/99, 3/18,99 and 3/19/99.
  • Presenter, "Implementing an E-mail Bibliographic Instruction Course at a College Library," The Association of College and Research Libraries- Louisiana (ACRL-LA) Annual Meeting, Hammond, LA, 02/26/99.
  • Presenter, Kelsey, Sigrid. "Little Dorrit: A Paradise Lost." Paper presented at Legacies an annual conference sponsored by the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, September 1996. 

American Library Association (ALA) 


  • Friends of the Animals, Baton Rouge, Board of Directors, 2015 – 2022 

  • Praeger ABC-CLIO, Library Advisory Board, 2011 - 2014 

  • Louisiana Library Association, Executive Board, ex officio standing member, 2005 - 2015 

  • Carolyn H. Hargrave Faculty Leadership Award, 2024
  • Catholic Library World received 3rd Place in the 2013 Catholic Press Awards for General Excellence
  • Campus Federal Credit Union Teaching Enhancement Fund Awardee, 2012; 2011.
  • Baton Rouge Business Report 2010 Forty under 40 recipient.
  • LSU Today “Flagship Faculty,” 2010
  • 2010 ACRL CLS ProQuest Innovation in College Librarianship Award
  • Louisiana Library Association Anthony H. Benoit Mid-Career Award, 2010 recipient 
    "Presented to a member in mid-career who has made outstanding contributions to librarianship."
  • Kelsey, Sigrid, and Michelle Wang, co-investigators 
    Library Grant from the Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies, 2009 recipient 
    Awarded for the purchase of Asian Art History books
  • Scholar Librarian of the Year Award, 2009 recipient 
    Awarded by ACRL-LA, the Louisiana Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries. "This award recognizes an academic librarian whose original research and scholarship related and relevant to academic libraries and higher education has resulted in outstanding work published during the previous calendar year."
  • Pankl, Elisabeth (Primary Investigator) and Sigrid Kelsey (Committee Member): "Modern Marvels: Jewish Adventures in the Graphic Novel," American Libraries Association "Let's Talk About It" grant, 2007-2008
  • Shirley Olofson Memorial Award, 2000 recipient 
    Sponsored by the New Members Round Table of the American Library Association. 
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