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Acadia Plantation records, 1809-2004 (bulk 1940-1979). 49 linear ft., 30 volumes, 8 rolls. Location: 93:7-30; J:4; 75:; MAP CAGE (UNNUMBERED CASE); 1 NORTH (ON TOP OF MICROFILM CABINET). A working sugar plantation, Acadia Plantation of Lafourche Parish, Louisiana is comprised of three major properties originally known as Acadia Plantation, St. Brigitte Plantation, and Evergreen Plantation. It was acquired in 1875 by Edward J. Gay, became the residence of Representative Andrew and Mrs. Anna Gay Price. Records are comprised of correspondence, financial and legal documents, printed items, volumes, maps, plats, and photographs. Papers document business and legal affairs of the plantation owners and operators, as well as plantation operations such as sugar cane farming, the crops of tenant farmers on the property, and the planning and development of the plantation lands throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Mss. 4906.
Manuscript Number
Mss. 4906
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Acadian Handicraft Project. Records. 1936-1962. 9.5 linear ft. Location: 7:98-106, OS:A. Project launched in 1942 to preserve the language and culture of the French-speaking people of Louisiana; project was suspended around 1962. Project launched in 1942 to preserve the language and culture of the French-speaking people of Louisiana. Records consist of general office files, program files for festivals and exhibitions, and records relating to the promotion, the production and sale of handicrafts. Some itmes are in French. Mss. 1880.
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections Account book
Account book, 1888-1890. 1 vol. (513 p.). Location: B:72. Account book of printing or stationery business, probably located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Entries relate to stationery and printed products. Pages 1-134 contain general entries; pages 351 to 410 contain entries for Joseph J. Hooper; pages 451-477 contain entries for George Ellis. For further information, see online catalog. Mss.4541.
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Account of the Red River Expedition, ca. 1890. 1 item (28 pages). Location: Misc:A. Union soldier in the Civil War, a Vermont native in Nim's 2nd Massachusetts Battery. Anonymously written account of the Red River Expedition in Louisiana. The writer speculates about the reasons for and possible outcomes of the expedition and comments on generals Butler and Banks. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3422.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections Achord, M. H.
Achord, M. H. Map, 1931. 1 item. Location: OS:A. Map drawn from memory by M. H. Achord depicting an area on the boundary of East Baton Rouge Parish and Livingston Parish, Louisiana. The map indicates that a Civil War skirmish or other war-related incident took place in this area. Available on University Publications of America microfilm 5735: Confederate Military Manuscripts Series B, Reel 1. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 893.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections Acosta, Juan. Papers
Acosta, Juan. Papers, 1833-1876. 9 items. Location: MISC:A. Papers document land transactions in Assumption and Pointe Coupee parishes, consisting of an application to purchase land with Thomas Pinto; deeds for the sale of land to Antonio Dalferes, Thomas Lyon, and William C. Mylne; deed for the sale of land by Manuel Acosta and Thomas Fernandez to John H. Ilsley; lease of land by Nicholas Deemus to Andre Acosta; and itemized accounts of Andre Acosta. Some items in French. Mss. 552.
Manuscript Number
Mss. 552
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Actors and Musicians Photographs, ca. 1880-1920. 64 items. Location: E:71. The collection consists of mounted and unmounted black and white photographs of actors and musicians who appeared at New Orleans theaters during the period of 1880-1920. Handwritten notes on the back of many of the photos identify the individuals, the theater where they appeared, and the name of the play or event. Among the New Orleans houses so identified are the Tulane, Athenaeum, Orpheum, Dauphine, and Crescent Theaters, as well as the French Opera House. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2116.
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Acy, William, b. 1822. Papers, 1844-1909. 2 linear ft. (655 items; 18 ms. Vols., 39 printed vols.). Location: E:1-2, F:1. Justice of the Peace in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, and plantation owner in Carroll County, Mississippi. Personal, legal, and financial papers; personal letters concern mainly relatives and friends in Baltimore, Maryland. Papers also include photographs, newspapers, and other printed items. Collection includes letters on legal matters from Francis T. Nicholls, governor of Louisiana and chief justice of the state Supreme Court. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 717, 722.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
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