As Humanities and Social Sciences and Outreach Services Librarian I am responsible for the areas of psychology, sociology, communication sciences and disorders, communication studies and leadership and human resource development, as well as outreach to special groups, research, and instruction service.
LSU Libraries, Associate Librarian, Humanities and Social Sciences/Outreach Services Librarian, July 2006-present.
LSU Libraries, Assistant Librarian, Reference Information Literacy Librarian, July 2004-July 2006.
College Hill Library, Front Range Community College, Westminster, CO, Reference Instruction Librarian, Oct. 2003-June 2004.
Norlin Library, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Reference Instruction Librarian, Jan. 2002-Dec. 2002
Semester at Sea, Assistant Librarian, Jan. 2001-April 2001.
University of Colorado School of Law Library, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Senior Instructor and Head of Public Services, Oct. 1994-Dec. 2001.
Schmid Law Library, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, Associate Professor of the Law Library and Reference Librarian, Jan. 1987-Sept. 1994.
Texas State Law Library, Austin, TX, Library Assistant I, Sept. 1985-Dec. 1986.
Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, Library Assistant I, Sept. 1983-Aug. 1985.
East Baton Rouge Public Library, Baton Rouge, LA, Student Librarian, Nov. 1984-June 1985.
Master of Library and Information Science, University of Texas, 1986.
BA, English Literature, Louisiana State University, 1983.
- Alia Kempton and Mitch Fontenot. “When Old Meets New: Two Louisiana State University Outreach Librarians Build, Work, and Learn Together to Support Collaborative Student Engagement.” 87 Louisiana Libraries, number 1, summer/fall 2024 pp.1-10
- Fontenot, M. J. (2022). Biography of Mrs. Ida Grout Rust McPherson, Michigan Suffragette. Online Biographical Database of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the United States (N/A ed., vol. N/A, pp. N/A). Chicago, Illinois: Alexander Street Press. (https://documents.alexanderstreet.com/VOTESforWOMEN and https://documents.alexanderstreet.com/d/1011147589).
- Fontenot, M. J. (2021). Biography of Mrs. Jessie N. Luther, Wisconsin Suffragette. Online Biographical Database of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the United States (N/A ed., vol. N/A, pp. N/A). Chicago, Illinois: Alexander Street Press. (https://documents.alexanderstreet.com/VOTESforWOMEN and https://documents.alexanderstreet.com/d/1011002240).
- "Serving Our Student Veterans in Louisiana." With Rebecca Kelley, lead author, in 82 Louisana Libraries 4-12 (spring 2020).
- "Going Where the Users Are: Three Variations on a Theme." With Emily Frank and Andrea Hebert in 80 Louisiana Libraries 6-9 (fall 2017).
- "Conversations for Collaboration: Librarians and the High School to College Transition in Louisiana." With Anthony J. Fonseca, Debra Cox Rollins, and Kathryn B. Seidel in Informed Transitions: Libraries Supporting the High School to College Transition, Kenneth J. Burhanna, Editor. Santa Barbara, CA, Libraries Unlimited, 2013.
- “Along a Continuum: Moving in Theory and Practice through the Collaborative to the Transformative in Teaching College and University Students to Use Government Documents in Research.” With Stephanie Braunstein, lead author, in Collaborative Librarianship 2(3): 147-153 (2010).
- “Diversity: A Task Force Survey of the Literature and Some Possible Trends for Academic Libraries.” in 73 Louisiana Libraries 8-11 (summer 2010).
- "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Google and Wikipedia: Two Classroom Exercises and Some Musings and Trends" Chapter 17, pp. 297-308 of Teaching Generation M: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators. New York, Neal Schuman, July 2009.
- "The Ambidextrous Librarian or "You Can Teach a Middle-Aged Dog Some New Tricks!" in Reference and User Services Quarterly 48:26-28 (Fall 2008).
- "A Typical Year in Outreach Services at Louisiana State University Middleton Library." in 69 Louisiana Libraries 3-5 (Winter 2007).
- "A Case for an Integrated Model of Community College and Public Use Libraries" Public Libraries 46 (July/August 2007): 46-49.
- “Getting by With a Little/Lotta Help from My Friends: Panel Discussion on Friends of the Libraries Groups” with Lora Amsburyaugier and Lillian Purdy at the Louis Users Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on October 9, 2024. https://luc2024.sched.com/event/1ie11/getting-by-with-a-littlelotta-help-from-my-friends-panel-discussion-on-friends-of-the-libraries-groups Slide Show: Getting By with a Little Help-LUC Panel Discussion.pptx
- “Learning with LOUIS: Friends of the Libraries Panel Discussion” with Lora Amsburyaugier and Lillian Purdy on June 18, 2024. https://vimeo.com/969087907?share=copy
- “Java Talk! Friends of the LSU Libraries Annual Book Bazaar Talk” on WAFB Interview on April 9, 2024.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEYNF7ZI3AM
- “LSU Libraries and Research: Colloquium on the New Library Home Page for the School of Learning and Human Resource Development” on January 31, 2024: Youtube LSU Libraries & SLHRD
- Fontenot, M. J., (June 2021) How Do We Increase Diversity (and What Kinds of Diversity) in an Already Robust LIRT Membership?, Other, American Library Association Annual Meeting, American Library Association Library and Instruction Round Table, Chicago, IL, United States.
- Presented at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on June 21, 2019 on “Services to Veterans and Life Long Learners” as part of the Library and instruction Round Table (LIRT) preconference panel discussion on “TREMENDOUS! 3 Big Ideas for Marketing Library Services to Adults.”.
- Coordinated and moderated a program on teaching emerging technologies and millennials for ALA Midwinter in Denver, CO on February 10, 2018 (25 attendees). “App-etizing Instruction: Practical Tips For Teaching Emerging Technologies”
American Library Association, 2004-
Association of College and Research Libraries, 2004-
Louisiana Library Association, 2004-
American Association of Law Libraries, 1985-2001
Outreach Services
Generational Research
Mid-Career Changes for Librarians
Recognition for Excellence Award, Front Range Community College Library, 2004.
Humanitarian Award, University of Colorado Law School, 1999.