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LSU Libraries welcomes David Dunaway

LSU Libraries welcomes new faculty member David Dunaway, who recently joined us as our Patent & Trademark Librarian. David received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry with a minor in Physics, a Master's Degree in Science Education, and MLS from LSU. He has also completed the course of study for a PhD in Child Development.

David Dunaway, Patent & Trademark Librarian

David comes to us from the LSU School of Library and Information Science, where he worked as a Research Associate working on a topic map of Oil Spill Research ( The topic map is intended to facilitate not only the understanding of the impacts of the Macondo Oil Spill incident in the Gulf of Mexico, but also knowledge discovery through interdisciplinary knowledge fusion. Although the topic map focuses on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Incident, it also covers oil spill incidents and concerns elsewhere.

David has also taught LIS 7008 Information Technologies and LIS 2001 Introduction to Information Technologies. He has had a varied teaching background, having taught three-year-olds in preschool, fifth graders in elementary school, high school physics and chemistry, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as in-service science and math teachers.

He is very excited to have the opportunity to use his background and work experience to help forward the Patent & Trademark Resource Center Program at Middleton Library. Patent and Trademark Resource Centers (PTRCs) are a nationwide network of public, state, and academic libraries that are designated to disseminate patent and trademark information and to support the diverse intellectual property needs of the public. LSU Libraries is the only Patent & Trademark Resource Center in Louisiana.

David is a native of Baton Rouge and enjoys living in the Garden District with his wife, dog, rabbit, and chickens.

The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than 4 million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.
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