Baton Rouge Hopps 2013 Research Symposium
Several LSU Libraries faculty members participated in the Baton Rouge Hopps 2013 Research Symposium, held in conjunction with the STEM undergraduate research fair, on March 12, 2013. The Office of Undergraduate Research, the Honors College, the School of Veterinary Medicine, the Colleges of Science, and Pennington Biomedical Research Center sponsored this STEM-oriented research fair, and the research symposium was sponsored by the LSU Colleges of Science, Engineering, Coast & Environment, Veterinary Medicine, and Art and Design; CCT; The LSU Graduate School; ORED; and the Office of Strategic Initiatives.
The fair featured a poster session where LSU undergraduates had the opportunity to meet with researchers and discuss their projects. Student posters described work done in chemistry, geology, engineering, computer science, the coast and environment, and mathematics.
LSU Libraries presented information on the various sciences resources the Libraries provides to the University community, such as information on the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), the Agriculture databases accessible through the Libraries website, and handouts describing LIS 1001, the Libraries’ single credit research methods and materials class. Mitch Fontenot, Outreach and Instruction Librarian, set up the Libraries' display. Librarians Kelly Blessinger, Stephanie Braunstein, Linda Smith-Griffin and Cristina Caminita met with students and faculty attending the fair. They promoted library resources and services and learned about the exciting research
The Dr. John Hopps Department of Defense Research Scholars Program at Morehouse College, an all-male and historically black college located in Atlanta, was created to increase minority participation in scientific research education and in emerging technological fields. The program takes a tour of graduate schools, research centers, and Department of Defense laboratories to introduce Morehouse students to the scope of research efforts and programs throughout the United States. Thirty Morehouse students participated in the Baton Rouge Hopps 2013 Research Symposium. Each student presented research conducted with Morehouse faculty at the research fair poster session.