LSU Libraries welcomes Art and Design Librarian Marty Miller
Marty Miller has joined the LSU Libraries faculty as Art and Design Librarian. She earned an M.A. in art history, a Master’s of Library Science, and a B.A. in art, all from the University of Kansas. Marty’s first love has always been art and architecture. It was while working toward her M.A. in art history that she was a student worker in the University of Kansas's Murphy Art and Architecture Library and decided to pursue a second master’s in library science.
Marty began her library career as an archival intern at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Archives, while working part-time at the Spencer Art Research Library. When the archives were moved to the library, she became Librarian Assistant I/Archival. She has also been the Library Media Specialist at St. Teresa’s Academy in Kansas City, Missouri, and a Reference Librarian at Metropolitan Community College (MCC) – Longview Campus. Also at MCC, she taught art history survey and library research courses, both online and face to face.
Marty has studied Russian language, both at Johnson County College in Overland Park, Kansas, and at Moscow State University for two weeks in 2010, and Spanish at the Universidad Nacional in Cuernavaca, Mexico. She has traveled to Dublin, Ireland, to participate in a marathon (walking rather than running), which was a fundraising event for MCC. Most recently, her travels took her to Uganda on a faculty trip, which included white water rafting on the Nile, chimpanzee and gorilla tracking in Bwindi National Park, several safaris and boat trips. The itinerary took her across the equator twice and provided a somewhat close encounter between her boat and a "crocodile the size of a small Sauropod!"
“My new position at LSU gives me the opportunity to focus on serving art and architecture research needs of students and faculty at all levels,” says Marty, “I currently write reviews for CHOICE magazine, a peer-reviewed library journal, so I’m looking forward to furthering the advancement of art librarianship through more extensive research and publication.” She is fascinated by the history and culture of Louisiana, and is looking forward to learning more about it, including zydeco music, which she will be learning how to dance to through the leisure class program.
Marty has attended the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, the Missouri Library Association (MLA) annual conference, and Brick and Click Library Symposium at Northwest Missouri State, and presented at the last two. She served as member-at-large on the MLA board for two years and headed the Publication Committee for the 2012 MLA conference. She has also served the Missouri Association of College and Research Libraries division as recorder, vice-chair and chair. She was fortunate to serve as a library delegate for People to People Ambassador Programs’ Russian Libraries’ delegation in 2007, and she is now looking forward to getting involved with the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS-NA) and the Louisiana Library Association.