"Old Ways No More" on view in Middleton Library
Upon entering Middleton Library for the next few weeks, you will be able to view “Old Ways No More,” a web-based production featuring oral histories and other sources from LSU Libraries Special Collections that document the Baton Rouge Bus Boycott of 1953, its antecedents, and its after effects. This moving and inspiring presentation is courtesy of the LSU Libraries T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History, featuring audio clips from the McKinley High School Oral History Series and others within the Williams Center Civil Rights Collection. This presentation is offered as an antecedent to the LSU Libraries’ upcoming film-based program, Created Equal: America’s Civil Rights Struggle (see program details here).
The presentation debuted at the 2003 academic conference held at Southern University in honor of the boycott's 50th anniversary. The work is based largely on the research conducted by Dr. Mary Price for her dissertation, “Beyond Black and White: The Civil Rights Movement in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1945-1972.” The web-based presentation was produced by Matthew Mullenix and Mary Price.