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LSU Libraries hosted music library conference

SEMLA logoLSU Libraries hosted the 2014 annual meeting of the Southeast Music Library Association October 2-4 at Hill Memorial Library. The focus of the meeting was experimental music and digital media, with an emphasis on how music librarians can support and interact with musicians working in these areas. The keynote presentation, "Approaches to Experimental Music and the Challenges They Bring," was given by Jesse Allison, Edgar Berdahl, and Lindsey Hartman--all of whom are involved in Experimental Music & Digital Media at the LSU School of Music.

Other LSU School of Music presenters included Danny Holmes, presenting "Caedence: An Augmented Electric Guitar with an Open-source Design;" Daniel Shanahan, presenting "Validating Web-Based MIDI Content for Digital Libraries;" and LSU alumnus and current School of Library Science student, Dr. Tina Huettenrauch, who presented "Performer’s Health: Integrating Health Resources into the Music Library."

Lindsey Hartman and Nick Hwang have created installation piece entitled Pyrrha. It premiered during the conference and was on display in Music Resources for the month of October.  Lindsey Hartman, Nick Hwang, and Tina Huettenrauch are graduate assistants in the LSU Libraries.



The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than 4 million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.
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