It's For the Birds! Interior design birdhouse projects displayed in Middleton Library
The fall 2014 Interior Design Graphics I (ID 2781) students are displaying the projects for their “It’s for the Birds” assignment in Middleton Library’s lobby. Each student was assigned a bird from John James Aububon's Birds of America, from the McIlhenny Natural History Collection in Hill Memorial Library, and was charged with creating a home for it, based on their research of the bird’s nesting habits and habitat. Among the birds represented are the Louisiana Waterthrush, the Brown Titlark, the Carolina Turtledove, and the Baltimore Oriole.
Some elements that students were asked to consider in designing their projects included climate, weather, entry and exit, color, and the amount of shelter the assigned bird would require. A wide variety of materials were creatively utilized – wood, paper, yarn and unspun fiber, clay, and metal – to build a living space suitable for a particular species.
LSU Librarians Michael Taylor and Jessica Lacher-Feldman worked with the class, showing them visual renderings of the birds from Hill Memorial’s Special Collections. Instructors John Campbell and Kelly Greeson worked with Art & Design Librarian Marty Miller to plan and coordinate the exhibit. The library welcomes everyone to enjoy the students’ work and encourages visitors to leave feedback on the comment board located near the exhibit.
The exhibit will be up through the final exam period.