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LSU Librarian Stephanie Braunstein receives Margaret T. Lane Award

BraunsteinStephanie A. Braunstein, Head, Government Documents and Microforms for LSU Libraries, has been awarded the 2015 Margaret T. Lane Award by the Louisiana Library Association’s Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) Section. She received the award for her exceptional work in promoting the use of federal documents in libraries and for assisting other depository libraries in the state in managing their collections. The award was presented at the Louisiana Library Association’s 2015 Conference in Shreveport on March 25.

"Stephanie’s service to the library community in Louisiana has been substantial," said Jean Kiesel, a vice-chair of the Louisiana branch of GODORT and librarian at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, who presented Braunstein with the award at the LLA conference.

Braunstein is one of two Federal Depository Library Program Regional Coordinators for Louisiana. She represents the Louisiana Library Association on the American Library Association (ALA) Council, and the Public Printer of the United States appointed her to the Depository Library Council from 2010 to 2013. She has also published several articles in the journal Louisiana Libraries and other professional journals. She has been a librarian at LSU since 2007.

The Margaret T. Lane Award, named for the first Louisiana Recorder of Documents, recognizes an individual or organization that has made an especially significant contribution in advancing access to or use of government information in Louisiana. The mission of GODORT is to promote the collection, organization, and use of federal, state, and local documents in Louisiana.

Congratulations, Stephanie!

The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than 4 million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.
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