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Student assistant awards

Aimee Lynn Loftus, right, with supervisor Germain Bienvenu

The LSU Libraries Student Assistant Awards recognize outstanding student employees of the LSU Libraries. Student workers play a vital role in the success of the Libraries. They assisting patrons, open and close departments, respond to emergency situations, and much more. The recipients of the 2014 Student Assistant Awards are Victoria Hutson, who works in Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services, and Aimee Lynn Loftus, employed by Special Collections.

Hutson is a junior biology major with plans to continue on to dental school after graduation. She has been a faithful student worker in Interlibrary Loan Services for three years. She embodies a spirit of virtue, selflessness, and high ethical standards that will ensure her success in future endeavors. Hutson is never too busy to offer a helping hand and is always investigating ways to improve library services for students and other patrons. She has even graciously agreed to open the department at 7:30 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. on certain days. “I am incredibly grateful for all of her contributions to this department. She is such a joy and pleasure to be around, and is huge part of improving the morale of our student team each and every day,” said Shaleesa Bynum, her supervisor.

Victoria Hutson, right, with supervisor Shaleesa Bynum

Loftus has worked in the Special Collections Public Services Department at Hill Memorial Library for four years. She is contagiously cheerful and pleasantly engaging with patrons, fellow student assistants, and Libraries staff. She has become so proficient in public service that she routinely participates in training not only new student assistants but also new staff in the workings of the Hill Reading Room, explaining by example everything from paging and re-shelving to operating a wide variety of equipment, performing basic research with Libraries and Special Collections resources, filling duplication requests, and helping patrons with a broad range of mechanical, procedural, and intellectual needs. It is evident that Loftus enjoys working at Special Collections, makes the most of any challenge that presents itself while at work, and makes those challenges more enjoyable and rewarding not only for those with whom she works but also those whom she are served by that work: the public.

Bynum, Hutson, Megan Lounsberry (ILL), Loftus, Bienvenu, and Jacob Fontenot (ILL)

Pictured on the left are the award winners (front) with staff from the Interlibrary Loan department and Special Collections division.

Honorable Mentions for the Student Assistant Awards included Kyle Whitmore and Mikaela Allen of Digital Services.

The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than 4 million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.
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