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Construction update: April 18

blogapril15Construction for the math lab on the third floor of Middleton Library is on schedule and going smoothly. An acoustical ceiling grid and storefront framing is installed, and glazing (glass) is in progress with an expected completion date of the middle of this week. Floor preparation will also take place this week, and carpet will arrive and the end of this month and will be fully installed by Monday, May 2nd. Once that happens, furniture will be relocated from May 2 to 9, exam week. During this time, great care will be taken to avoid disruptions.

Last week, scaffolding went up outside of the library for air duct work. This was mentioned in a previous blog post, but only this part of the project was delayed, the entire project remains on track.

An additional construction project will launch this week. Work will begin this Wednesday in room 241 for the new Access Services (Circulation and InterLibrary Loan) space.  241A will remain available for use, but it may be noisy at times. There will be work during finals. The 1st through 4th floors of Middleton Library will be available to students 24 hours for finals week, so there will be areas of the library for quiet study. The new Access Services department on the second floor is scheduled to be complete in mid-July.

The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than 4 million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.
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