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LSU School of Art to host talk by Matthew Carter, November 15

The LSU School of Art will host a talk by internationally renowned British type designer, Matthew Carter, on Wednesday, November 15 at 5 p.m. with a reception to follow at Hill Memorial Library.

Carter is best known for his bridging physical type, phototypesetting, and digital font design as well as the design of custom lettering throughout his career.

Matthew Carter will discuss "Bruce Rogers' Centaur Type" at 5 p.m. in the LSU Design Building Auditorium, Room 103. A reception will follow at Hill Memorial Library from 6:30-8:30 p.m., where Letterform Characters: From Stone Carver to Type Designer is on exhibition. The second floor of the exhibition showcases works by Bruce Rogers that are part of the Rare Book Collection in LSU Libraries Special Collections.

The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than 4 million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.
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