LSU Libraries to install new technology in Middleton Library
LSU Libraries recently received a $30,799.70 Student Technology Fee grant to upgrade resources and services in Middleton Library. Middleton Library is one of the busiest places on campus, and its paper-based signage and lack of other technology can make it difficult to navigate. The grant supports the purchase of digital monitors throughout the building with information such as building hours, university activities, local weather and other student-centered announcements. The Libraries will also purchase and implement software to enable better wayfinding in the stacks.
The Student Technology Fee aims for the use of state-of-the-art technology to support and enhance student life and learning and to prepare graduates for work in the twenty-first century. Improvements in Middleton adhere to Strategic Goal 1 of the Student Technology Fee strategic goals, which states, “To provide students with access to, and training in, information technology and discipline-specific equipment that represents the current state of the art.” Going further, Objective 1.6 states, “To provide appropriate state of-the-art technology to student services that directly support student life and learning.”
Gina Costello, who played a major role in obtaining this grant, argued the proposal supports nearly every aspect of the LSU 2025 Strategic Plan by providing foundational support for students and faculty. The improvements will support student life by helping students locate materials and by providing live updates on the monitors throughout the library. The Libraries plans to purchase and install five digital monitors throughout Middleton Library to provide information and to purchase and implement StackMap Collection Mapping software to improve wayfinding.