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New online library resources

Editor’s note: this post was updated on 8/7/18.

New and upgraded databases are now available through the LSU Libraries' LOUIS Collection. LSU Libraries provides access to hundreds of online databases, providing students and faculty with the resources needed to make groundbreaking discoveries in research. The databases consist of scholarly journal articles on any subject.

The changes includes six upgrades and one addition: Art Full Text upgraded to Art & Architecture Complete, Environment Index upgraded to Environment Complete, Legal Collection upgraded to Legal Source, Literacy Reference Center upgraded to Literary Reference Center Plus, MAS Ultra upgraded to MAS Complete, Newspaper Source upgraded to Newspaper Source Plus and the addition of MasterFILE Complete and American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection.

Art & Architecture Complete includes:

  • More than 360 full-text periodicals (40 more than Art Full Text)
  • 220 full-text books (not in Art Full Text)
  • Cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for 790 academic journals, magazines and trade publications and more than 220 books
  • A collection of over 63,000 images

Environment Complete includes:

  • More than 1,200 full-text journals and monographs
  • Nearly 4 million records
  • Indexing for more than 2,000 domestic and international journals dating back more than 100 years
  • More than 180 full-text monographs

Legal Source includes:

  • More than 1,100 full-text journals (approximately 720 additional full text journals over Legal Collection)
  • Detailed indexing for legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statues, bar association publications and  university publications
  • More than 420 law reviews
  • Over 2.3 million records, including book reviews and case studies

Literary Reference Center Plus includes:

  • More than 36,000 plot summaries, synopses and work overviews
  • More than 87,000 articles/essays of literary criticism (7,000 more than LRC)
  • Nearly 260,000 author biographies (10,000 more than LRC)
  • More than 780 literary journals (330 more than LRC)
  • Nearly 2,800 reference books (none in LRC)
  • More than 930,000 books reviews (30,000 more than LRC)
  • More than 150,000 classic and contemporary poems (50,000 more than LRC)
  • More than 35,000 classes and contemporary short stories (8,000 more than LRC)
  • More than 11,000 author reviews (1,000 more than LRC)
  • More than 7,400 classic novels
  • Nearly 170 critical essays about popular young adult (YA) literature titles (not in LRC)
  • More than 150 Critical Insight volumes (not in LRC)

MAS Complete  includes:

  • Full text for more than 570 popular high school magazines (100 more than MAS Ultra)
  • Nearly 420 full-text reference books (80 more than MAS Ultra)
  • More than 117,000 biographies (13,000 more than MAS Ultra)
  • More than 73,000 primary source documents
  • An image collection of more than 1.6 million photos, maps, flags and color PDFs

MasterFILE Complete (new to LOUIS Core Collection) includes:

  • More than 2,300 full-text magazines and journals
  • More than 870 full-text reference books
  • More than 73,000 full-text primary source documents
  • More than 1.6 million photos, maps and flags
  • More than 70,000 videos from the Associated Press (AP)

Newspaper Source Plus includes:

  • Full text for more than 1,200 newspapers
  • More than 40 new magazines
  • News from more than 130 newswires
  • More than 77 million full-text articles
  • More than 1.8 million television and radio news transcripts
  • Critical news content throughout the day and television and radio transcripts from top news sources  with its News View feature

American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection includes:

  • 50 different collections spanning several subject areas in the humanities and sciences
The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than 4 million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.
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