E-books for LSU faculty and students
More than 500,000 ebooks are available through the LSU Libraries e-textbook platform E-textbooks For Faculty, a database of e-books from academic publishers that are either available for textbook use or available to request as a library purchase, allowing faculty to design courses with cost and quality in mind. Books available through this platform have licensing that allows for unlimited simultaneous users, printing, and downloading. LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is providing LSU Libraries with funding for a limited number of e-textbooks and course-adopted ebooks that are available via the Libraries' purchasing platform. Funding is limited to purchase books not already owned by the Libraries. Select purchase requests through the database by Thursday, March 19, 2020. LOUIS's Emergency Curriculum Driven Acquisitions (CDA) funding cycle makes this opportunity available. It is intended to support any immediate needs for current courses and to support faculty and students needing online access materials as they transition their course. Connect David Dunaway at ddunaw1@lsu.edu if you have questions.