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Oral History John Silver
Interview Information
John Silver
United Houma Nation
Series Information
This collection records the experiences of members of the United Houma Nation (UHN) of Southern Louisiana during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The interviewees lived in Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but the dialogues also address issues dating back over one hundred before the interviews took place. Not all interviewees in the series are members of the UHN; some are Euro-Americans who worked with, taught, or interacted with the UHN, while others are members of separate Indian groups who lived in Lafourche and Terrebonne Parishes. Nevertheless, the oral testimonies of those interviewed reflect social and economic conditions of southern Louisiana as they affected (and continue to affect) Native Americans in general and the UHN in particular. All interviews were conducted by Daniel d'Oney for research on his dissertation. Further interviews took place to turn the dissertation into a monograph.
22 interviews on 38 recordings
1996, 1997, 2003, 2009, 2010
Principal Interviewers
Daniel D'Oney
Audio Availability
Processing Status
Unprocessed collection; see note below

This interview is currently unprocessed.
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