Storms and political representation in Plaquemines Parish
Rose Jackson by Jennifer Abraham, 2000; 4700.1359
Rose Jackson by Jennifer Abraham, 2000; 4700.1359
Rose Jackson: Because Plaquemines Parish, any storm that comes out there and gets into the Gulf of Mexico, Plaquemines Parish is an open gate for it. This parish has been in dying need of another bridge, another exit out of here. And now this parish is building, it's multiplying by the minute. They thought a lot of people lost their lives for [Hurricane] Betsy? You let a major hurricane come through here and it's going to be ten times worse. And our local government officials, as well as the ones that we put in office and send up there, they need to do what they're supposed to do. Stop looking at the checks and start thinking about the children. Think about the people that gave them that job. They didn't get it on their own. But I'll tell you what, most of your government officials, and your local officials, once they get in office, they forget. They really do. They forget. They figure that anything . . . once a bunch of women get together they are just a bunch of fanatics. Well, I got news for them. You let anything come through the state of Louisiana such as a major hurricane. They think they got crazy women? They haven't seen them yet.