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Displaying 521 - 540 of 552
  • Ward, Joseph. Record book, 1894. 1 vol. Location: J:6. Music instructor of Baton Rouge. Record book containing music and lyrics. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 439.
  • Watson, Henry Clay. Manuscript, 1962 Oct. 3. 1 item. Location: Misc.:W. Report on the Baton Rouge Arsenal prepared from source materials in the National Archives and Library of Congress by Henry Clay Watson. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1973.
  • WBRZ collection, 1969-1970. 337 items, 3 reels. Location: X:54. Television station in Baton Rouge. Collection includes script, film, and slides from a television broadcast about Solitude Plantation, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana; a collection of pictures of historical subjects; and a videotape of an interview originally made by the LSU CCTV system. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2459, 2528.
  • Weeks, David. Family Papers, 1782-1957 (bulk 1830-1870). 10,106 items, 15 vols. Location: 70, J:6, X:76, Mss. Mf.:W . The Weeks and related Conrad, Moore, and Gibson families were planters of New Iberia, Louisiana, and other areas in south Louisiana. Papers document the sugar plantation economy; cotton planting; slaves and free African American laborers; railroad building; state and national politics; education; and the Civil War and Reconstruction. Includes early papers of Charles N. Conrad, U.S. senator; political correspondence of John Moore, U.S. congressman; and a microfilmed inventory of The Shadows in New Iberia. Available on microfilm 5322: University Publications of America Records of Ante-bellum Southern Plantations from the Revolution to the Civil War, Series I, Part 6, Reels 1-20. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 528, 605.
  • West Florida Rebellion Papers, 1810, 1816, 1845. 15 items, 1 mf reel. Location: C:18, Mss.Mf:S., Vault MRDF 6, Vault:1. Documents pertaining to the West Florida Rebellion contain reports of the convention in Baton Rouge; reports to representatives of the people of West Florida; and orders and reports by Colonel Philomen Thomas to the inhabitants of West Florida. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 721.
  • Western Voice circular, 1968. 2 items. Location: E:Imprints. Weekly tabloid which claimed to uphold fundamentalism, pre-millenarianism, and the second coming of Christ. Circular entitled 'Ten Million White People to be Driven From Their Homes to Make Room for Black Communist Soviet,' printed in the Western Voice. Includes a clipping from the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate (1968). For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3052.
  • Wheeler, Otis B. Religious architecture in Louisiana, photographic negatives. 1987-1993. 1 volume. Location: 19:13. Photographer of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 99 negative file sleeves containing color negatives (120 and 35mm) depicting religious architecture in Louisiana. Contact proof sheets of negatives are included. Images for the book Religious Architecture in Louisiana were selected from these negatives. An index listing structures alphabetically by city or town is included, with information about style, date of construction, architect (when known), National Register listings, and date of photograph. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4678.
  • White, David. Papers, 1796, 1809. 2 items. Location: Misc.:W. Resident of the District of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Grant of land to David White (1796) signed by Baron de Carondelet; and a conveyance of land form David White to Parson Carter (1809). In Spanish. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 668.
  • White, Julian T. Papers, 1927-2010 (bulk 1965-2010). 6 linear ft., 18 rolled plan sets. Location: 120:, OS:W. Architect and first African American faculty member of LSU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Many of his projects involved Louisiana Baptist churches and Louisiana schools. Papers consist of architectural project materials (including project files and architectural designs and plans of various formats and sizes), teaching materials, and personal papers (including personal correspondence, portfolio materials, sermons, speeches, and printed materials). Mss. 5083.
  • White, Maunsell, ca. 1780-. Letterbook, 1845-1850. 1 ms. vol. Location: Mf.:W., Misc.:W. Sugar planter of Deer Range Plantation, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. Letterbook containing family and business letters dealing with sugar planting, processing, and slavery; politics; support for a university in Louisiana; and the planning and construction of the State Capitol Building in Baton Rouge. Original letterbook is located at the University of North Carolina Library. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2888.
  • White, Sam and Belcher, F. A. Civil War soldiers letters, 1863. 6 items. Location: Misc.C. Sam White and F. A. Belcher, Union soldiers stationed in Louisiana during the Civil War. Letters to their families describe their sea voyage to New Orleans and encampments at Baton Rouge, Algiers, and Brashear City (now Morgan City), Louisiana. Other topics include contraband slaves as laborers and as military recruits; and medical care. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3188.
  • Whitley, J. H. Letter, 1865 January 18.1 item. Location: Misc. Confederate lieutenant and a prisoner of war at Officers Prison, Fort Delaware, during the Civil War. William L. Graham was a colonel in the 16th Virginia Cavalry during the Civil War. Letter from Whitley, while a prisoner of war, to Colonel William L. Graham, telling of conditions at the prison, mentioning the arrival of prisoners from General Hood's army, and requesting information concerning friends in prison with Graham. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1108.
  • Whitney, William H. Letters, 1863-1864. 34 items. Location: B:16. Officer in the 38th Massachusetts Volunteers during the Civil War. Letters describe civilian life in Baton Rouge under Union occupation, the daily life of a soldier, guerrilla warfare by Confederate troops, and the impressment of African Americans into the Union army. Whitney also writes about the Port Hudson battlefield after the siege, his unit's march to Shreveport from Alexandria, and the Union retreat after the Battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1043, 1046.
  • Whittlesey, George W. Letters, 1862-1863. 6 items. Location: Misc.:W. Lieutenant colonel of the Thirteenth Connecticut Volunteers serving under General Nathaniel Banks during the First Red River Campaign. Letters from Thibodaux, Baton Rouge, Brashear City (now Morgan City), Alexandria, and New Orleans, Louisiana, to his cousin Eliza in Waterford, New York. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2449.
  • Who Would God Vote For - Duke or Edwards?, 1991. 1 item. Location: Misc: W. Flyer sent by the Comite Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, La., promoting a meeting to discuss the gubernatorial runoff election between Edwin Edwards and David Duke in 1991. Mss. 5003.
  • Wilke, Francis Albert. Papers, 1906-1976. 16 items. Location: MISC:W, OS:W. Student at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, La. Papers reflect student life at Louisiana State University from 1916 to 1920. They include regulations booklet for Corps of Cadets (1918); photographs of Lee Himes, a LSU quarterback (1917), Phil Cooper, a 1918 LSU football player, and Red Rice, the 1917 discus champion; Other items contain a commencement program for 1920; and several newspaper clippings concerning Louisiana State University students, sports, and alumni. There are also two alumni reunion programs (1973, 1976) For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3071.
  • Wilkerson, Helen C. Papers, 1920-1958. 706 items. Location: X:92-93, OS:W. Assistant dean of women at LSU. Papers contain professional papers and correspondence related to Wilkerson's tenure as dean. Material also reflects her involvement in Baton Rouge women's organizations, balls, and festivals. Also included is a program for 75th annual commencement of the Natchez Institute in Natchez, Mississippi (1920); addresses delivered by Charles W. Pipkin (1931-1936); and an address entitled "The strange case of Louisiana and Huey P. Long," presented by Harry Gamble of New Orleans to the Louisiana Legislature. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1606.
  • Wilkerson, Marcus M. Papers, 1923-1958 (bulk 1930-1952). 3 linear ft. Location: X:94-96, OS:W. Director of the press and professor of journalism at Louisiana State University (LSU). Papers include correspondence, reports, speeches, photographs, and class and lecture notes pertaining to his professional life. Also included are papers concerning two LSU fraternities, the Rotary Club, and the Baton Rouge Country Club. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1606.
  • Williams, Lester J. (Lester James). Papers, 1853-1950 (bulk 1901-1950). 8.5 linear ft. (54 items, 2 ms. vols., 3 printed vols.). Location: 77:50-52. Physician and chief of staff at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge (1927-1946); president of the Louisiana State Medical Society (1923-1924). Papers include certificates awarded to Williams for appointments, achievements, commissions, and memberships; photographs; and a postcard album containing scenes of Baton Rouge and New Orleans (1901-1909). Collection also includes a scrapbook (1853-1868) containing printed poems and pictures, and manuscript poems. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2108.
  • Wilson, Henry J., d. 1872. Papers, 1779-1885. 335 items, 16 v. Location: B:17, J:7, Vault:79. Major in the U.S. Army during the first half of the 19th century. He participated in the relocation of Native Americans from Florida, the Seminole Wars and the Mexican War. Papers pertain to the removal of Native Americans from Florida, the Second Seminole War, Mexican War, court martials, and the transfer and sale of land in Louisiana and Arkansas. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 559.
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