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A list which describes the different types of archive records.

Displaying 1 - 20 of 41160
Manuscript Collections "We are for the union"
"We are for the union" Civil War song, circa 1861-1865. 1 item. Location: E:Imprints. Printed lyrics of "We Are for the Union," a boisterous anthem of eight four-line stanzas, each with four-line chorus. The song celebrates the loyalty of Union troops, reserving especial priase for those from Pennsylvania, and castigates Confederate rebels for their treason and attempt to exempt themselves from federal taxation. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3108.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections 'Red Mass'
'Red Mass' prayer book, 1958. 2 items, 1 pamphlet. Location: E:Imprints. The 'Red Mass' celebrates the opening of the Judicial year and is sponsored annually by the St. Thomas More Catholic Lawyers Association of New Orleans at St. Louis Cathedral. Booklet containing prayers to be recited at the 'Red Mass.' Two enclosures in the booklet consist of an invitation and short history of the Mass, and an instruction card from Charles J. Rivet, K.S.G., in charge of protocol. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1829.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Interview Information
1942 Class 5oth Reunion
University History
Distinguished Alumni
Series Information
Interviews with faculty, staff, and alumni conducted by Williams Center staff, LSU Recording Services, volunteers, and graduate students, focusing on the history of Louisiana State University. Various topics are covered and since interviews are often life narratives, multiple topics arise, including major historic events outside of the scope of LSU history, including, for example, the 1927 Flood, the Great Depression, Governor Huey Long, military history, and civil rights.
322 interviews on 681 recordings
Time Period Covered
1908 - present
1970s - present
Principal Interviewers
Jennifer Abraham; Everett Besch, Melisse Campbell, Susie Crews, Pamela Dean, Jack Fiser, Mary Hebert, Sally Kuzenski
Finding Aids
Abstracts, indexes
Audio Availability
Processing Status
37% of interviews are cataloged (120 of 322)

This interview is currently unprocessed.
1st United States Infantry Regiment of Louisiana Volunteer Corps d'Afrique, Company II. Muster roll, 1863. 1 item (21 x 30.5 in.). Location: VAULT:72. In April 1863 Brigadier General Daniel Ullman was sent by the U.S. War Department to New Orleans, Louisiana, to raise a brigade of African-American troops; Major General Nathaniel P. Banks, at Opelousas, proposed the formation of the Corps d'Afrique. Muster roll identifies Edward Carter as captain, Spencer H. Stafford as colonel, and the regiment's sergeants, corporals, musicians, a teamster, and privates. Soldiers are listed by their names, and further description includes rank, time and location of enrollment, time and location mustered into service, and pay roll information. Most soldiers enrolled and were mustered in at New Orleans, while others were at Baton Rouge, St. Mary Parish, Bayou Ramos, Fort Jackson, Fort St. Leon, and Thompson Creek. Verso of item also contains lists of deceased, discharged, deserted, and resigned soldiers in the regiment. Several soldiers are listed as being killed in action before Port Hudson. Muster roll covers the period from July 1 to August 31, 1863, while pay roll covers the period from June 30 to September 1, 1863. Mss. 5379.
Manuscript Number
Mss. 5379
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
25th United States Colored Infantry Regiment, Company H descriptive book, 1864-1892 (bulk 1864-1865). 1 volume. Location: M:19. Books contains lists and registers of commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, men transferred, men discharged, deaths, and deserters and a descriptive roll of Company H. The descriptive roll lists names, physical characteristics (including complexion), birthplace, occupation, enlistment information, and general remarks about company soldiers. Mss. 5374.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
30th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Clothing Book, 1861-1863. 1 volume. Location: O:61. Account ledger of clothing issued to soldiers in Company A of the 30th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment. Includes names of soldiers being issued clothing, date of issue, and cost. Soldier discharges and deaths are also recorded. Mss. 5309.
Manuscript Number
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Festival of American Folklife
Folder Box
Folder Number
Folder Status
Indexed Status
Interview Number in Record
1 of 1
"A. J. Latiolais, Tony Latiolais, Addy Boudreaux"
Interviewee Release
Interviewer Release
A. J. Latiolais has a survey form.
Original Box
Smithsonian Fieldwork
Record Type
Louisiana Folklife
Survey Form Status
Tape Box
Tape Number
Tape Number Corrected Status
boat building
Transcript Status
Paxson, Charles, died 1880. A slave girl from New Orleans carte-de-visite, circa 1864. 1 photograph. Location: MISC:S. Charles Paxson was a photographer in New York during the 1860s. He created carte-de-visite photographs and was one of a few photographers who took photographs of emancipated slaves for Major General Nathaniel P. Banks' campaign to raise funds for emancipated slaves in Louisiana. The carte-de-visite, titled "A Slave Girl from New Orleans" (1864), features the image of a very Caucasian looking African American, Rebecca, from New Orleans. Rebecca was a recently emancipated slave of her white father from New Orleans. New Orleans was under the command of the Union Army's Major General Nathaniel P. Banks. Rebecca was one of eight slaves from New Orleans to tour the North and raise funds for Banks' work in Louisiana. Carte-de-visites, like this one, were sold to raise that money and the back of the carte-de-visite states the sales money was "devoted to the education of colored people in the department of the Gulf." Mss. 5102.
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections A Song for the Ladies broadside
A Song for the Ladies broadside, circa 1863. 1 item. Location: MISC:S. The author of the broadside, "Bones," was a drummer in Company G of the 77th Illinois Infantry Regiment, formerly of the 130th Illinois. Lyrics compare virtues of soldiers to flaws of men who stayed at home. For further information see online catalog. Mss. 4290
Manuscript Number
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections A. Bell and Company
A. Bell and Company. Papers, 1835, 1836. 2 items. Location: Misc.:B. Cotton broker of New York City. Letters from factors at Petersburg, Virginia, and Fayetteville, North Carolina, regarding the cotton market and amount of cotton expected from Tennessee and North Alabama. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2356.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
A. C. Skiles Lumber Company. Records, 1895-1942. 5 linear ft., 38 volumes. Location: 1:24-31. Retail lumber dealer in Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Business records consist chiefly of correspondence with suppliers and customers and include bills, receipts, and printed items. Manuscript volumes include a letterpress copy book, ledgers, sales books, journals, cash books, an index, and day books. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3143.
Manuscript Number
Mss. 3143
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Interview Information
A. Elizabeth Taylor
Various Topics
Series Information
These primarily biographical and regional history interviews were conducted by LSU faculty and students, by Williams Center staff under contract for interviewees' families, or were donated to the Williams Center. In addition to family history and genealogy, topics covered include: the Association for Women Historians, Lansdowne Plantation in Natchez, Mississippi, the New Llano Cooperative Colony near Leesville, Louisiana, Williams Plantation, architecture, landscape architecture, hurricanes, Mardi Gras celebrations, Louisiana fisheries, the sugarcane industry, Native American and African American artists, New Orleans history and music, and topics of international interest such as the Mexican Revolution and Nazi propaganda films.
96 interviews on 157 recordings
1970s - present
Principal Interviewers
Pamela Dean, David Culbert, Helen Peterson, Kathleen Kearns, Susan Tittlebaum, Shelly Wells, Tayari Kwa Salaam, Harriet Walker, Ruth Laney, Mary Hebert Price, Jennifer Abraham
Finding Aids
Audio Availability
Processing Status
4% of interviews are cataloged (4 of 96)

This interview is currently unprocessed.
Manuscript Collections A. F. Cochran & Co. Letter
A. F. Cochran & Co. Letter, 1848 Mar. 10. 1 letter. Location: MISC:A. A. F. Cochran & Co. of New Orleans, La., writes Messrs. Silas Peirce & Co. of Boston, Mass., regarding the sale of wine and fruit in New Orleans. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4039.
Manuscript Number
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections A. F. Whelan Diary,
A. F. Whelan Diary, 1865-1866 One vol. Location: G:20. A.F. Whelan served in the U.S. Army, 3rd Michigan Cavalry, Co. Diary concerns the final days of the war, with entries on Lincoln's assassination, capture of Jefferson Davis, and the steamship, SULTANA. Entries refer to insubordination, desertion and prisoners, and General Sheridan's march to Texas. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4747
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Interview Information
A. Harry Conrad, Jr.
University History
Ole War Skule: The Military Tradition
Series Information
Interviews with faculty, staff, and alumni conducted by Williams Center staff, LSU Recording Services, volunteers, and graduate students, focusing on the history of Louisiana State University. Various topics are covered and since interviews are often life narratives, multiple topics arise, including major historic events outside of the scope of LSU history, including, for example, the 1927 Flood, the Great Depression, Governor Huey Long, military history, and civil rights.
322 interviews on 681 recordings
Time Period Covered
1908 - present
1970s - present
Principal Interviewers
Jennifer Abraham; Everett Besch, Melisse Campbell, Susie Crews, Pamela Dean, Jack Fiser, Mary Hebert, Sally Kuzenski
Finding Aids
Abstracts, indexes
Audio Availability
Processing Status
37% of interviews are cataloged (120 of 322)

This interview is currently unprocessed.
Oral History A. Hays Town, Sr.
Interview Information
A. Hays Town, Sr.
Various Topics
Series Information
These primarily biographical and regional history interviews were conducted by LSU faculty and students, by Williams Center staff under contract for interviewees' families, or were donated to the Williams Center. In addition to family history and genealogy, topics covered include: the Association for Women Historians, Lansdowne Plantation in Natchez, Mississippi, the New Llano Cooperative Colony near Leesville, Louisiana, Williams Plantation, architecture, landscape architecture, hurricanes, Mardi Gras celebrations, Louisiana fisheries, the sugarcane industry, Native American and African American artists, New Orleans history and music, and topics of international interest such as the Mexican Revolution and Nazi propaganda films.
96 interviews on 157 recordings
1970s - present
Principal Interviewers
Pamela Dean, David Culbert, Helen Peterson, Kathleen Kearns, Susan Tittlebaum, Shelly Wells, Tayari Kwa Salaam, Harriet Walker, Ruth Laney, Mary Hebert Price, Jennifer Abraham
Finding Aids
Audio Availability
Processing Status
4% of interviews are cataloged (4 of 96)

This interview is currently unprocessed.
A. Ledoux and Company. Record book, 1856-1857. 1 volume (110 pages). Location: W:53. Plantation record book kept by Samuel Leigh and Lewis F. Pulliam, overseers of the sugar plantation owned by A. Ledoux and Company, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Available on microfilm 5322: University Publications of America Records of Ante-bellum Southern Plantations Series I, Part 1, Reel 9. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 964.
Manuscript Number
Mss. 964
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript Collections A. M. & J. C. Dupont (Firm)
A. M. & J. C. Dupont (Firm). Account books, 1887-1933. 78 vols. Location: L:16-20. Retail and wholesale merchants of Houma, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. Directors of the firm included Albert M. Dupont, Sr., Ernest D. Dupont, Julius Dupont, and Lawrence H. Dupont. Records include daily accounts of sales; current and monthly customer accounts; records of purchases and other expenses; out-of-date and unpaid accounts; records of profits and losses; payroll records; and check book stubs and cancelled checks. Included in the miscellaneous volumes are minutes to meetings of the Parish Sunday School Association of Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 511.
Manuscript Topic
Record Type
Manuscript Collections
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