Displaying 221 - 240 of 884
Davidson, John M. Legal Papers, 1861-1867. 124 items. Location: UU:111. Lawyer in New Orleans who handled cases for client Charles Black, a commission merchant and steamboat owner of Matamoros, Mexico, as well as cases involving steamboats and the United States Commissioner of Claims in Louisiana. Legal papers include bills, receipts, petitions, court summons, acts of sale, and promissory notes of Charles Black, reflecting his financial interests in several steamers and ships. In English and Spanish. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1472.
Davis, E. F., 1841-1899. Papers, 1856-1899 (bulk 1872-1886). 0.25 linear feet. Location: A:72. Baton Rouge businessman who, along with several partners including Thomas B. Brown, formed the Grange Store and the Baton Rouge Cooperative Association. Collection consists of financial and business papers of the Grange Store, meeting minutes of the Baton Rouge Cooperative Association, photocopies of personal letters, and a death and funeral notice. One letter comments on the Civil War in Baton Rouge. Also includes the financial and legal papers of Thomas B. Brown, one of Davis' business partners. These papers consist of ledger sheets and bills for the sale and purchase of cotton, tax receipts, and promissory notes. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4312.
Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889. Letter, 1875 November 9. 1 item. Location: Misc.:D, vault:1. U . S. congressman (1845-1851, 1857-1861) from Mississippi, U. S. Secretary of War (1853-1857), president of the Confederate States of America (1861-1865). A letter signed by Jefferson Davis concerns the organization of the Mississippi Valley Society, which was organized to promote trade between the Mississippi River states and England. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4807.
Davis, John. Document, 1839. 1 item [photofacsimile]. Location: Misc. Manager of the Orleans Theatre and the French Opera House in New Orleans. Last will of John Davis signed at Mandeville, Louisiana. In French. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1048.
Davis, Joseph M., Jr., interviewee. Oral history interview, 1993. 1 sound cassette (45 minutes), Index (4 pages). Location: L:4700.232. Resident of Four Corners, a community south of Franklin, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, who owned a trucking company and was a police juror for 20 years. Davis describes working as a child; his college career; involvement in his family trucking business, and challenges of breaking into the white dominated trucking industry; federal programs for minorities; his political involvement; and his family values. Davis also discusses the history of South Coast Plantation and his parents' employment there; plantation life in the 1950s and 1960s; and sugarcane. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4700.221.
Davis, Lucy Wilcox, 1843-1928. Family papers, 1921-1980. 7 items. Location: Misc. The collection contains a short letter from J.W. Noyes, one of six surviving members of the Orleans Cadets, 1st Louisiana Infantry Regiment (1921); two clippings on veterans of the Orleans Cadets (early 1920s); a copy of "History of the First Presbyterian Church of Baton Rouge, Louisiana" (1927); "Twenty-Five Years of Usefulness," a typescript history of the Bank of Commerce at St. Francisville, La., by E.G. Davis (circa 1940); a program for the centennial celebration of Covington Presbyterian Church in Covington, La. (1948); and a pamphlet on the Covington Presbyterian Church (1980). Mss. 4049.
Davis, M. L. Letterbook, 1887-1888. 1 vol. Location: J:10. Lumber dealer and mill operator of Chunchula, Alabama. Letter book recording orders and shipments of lumber to firms in New York, Boston, St. Louis, Birmingham, and Mobile, Alabama. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 913.
Dawson and Pipkin. Bills of lading, 1847-1849. 1 v. Location: M:22. Commission merchants of New Orleans, La. Approximately 220 bills of lading were printed as forms, completed by hand, and bound in a single volume arranged chronologically from December 1847 to March 1849. The bills specify the shipper (always Dawson & Pipkin), the vessels, their captains, ports of destination, cargoes, and other information. For further information see online catalog. Mss. 4974.
Dawson, N. Henry R. Letter, 1849 Sept. 28. 1 letter. Location: Misc. N. Henry R. Dawson of Carlonville, Dallas County, Ala., writes to his uncle, Colonel John H. Dawson of Camden, Ark., regarding the cotton trade in Alabama and social news of Dallas and Wilcox counties. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4039.
De La Vergne family. Papers, 1751-1972. 1 ft. and 1 reel of microfilm. Location: 77:21, O:22, Mss. Mf.:D Family of lawyers, planters, and businessmen of New Orleans. Correspondence, military papers, genealogical material, and other papers include material on banking and finance, the Consolidated Association of the Planters of Louisiana, defense of New Orleans during the War of 1812, and Jefferson College. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2642.
de Trujeda, Bernardino, Declaration, 1799. 1 volume (88 pages). Location: 111:1. Certified copy of declartion regarding financial condition of sugar plantation and mill at Hacienda Senora Santa Ana Tepoxtepec, owned by the Regidor Perpetuo of Cordova, Mexico, Bernardino de Trujeda. The declaration is dated October 23, 1789, but the certified copy was signed January 25, 1799 by public notary Mariano Francisco Zambrano at Puebla de los Angeles. The document is bound and contains petitions, claims, and wills, some signed by various church officials. It also includes an inventory, appraisal, and description of slaves and other property. For further information see online catalog. Mss. 4998.
Dehn, Adolf. Watercolors, 1943. 2 items. Location: OS:D. 20th century painter and lithographer . Watercolors of the Esso Standard Oil Refinery at Baton Rouge, La., entitled BUTADIENE STORAGE SPHERES AT NIGHT and PIPES LEADING FROM DOCKS TO THE REFINERY. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4497.
Delbondio, Fred. Letter, 1860 Mar. 6. 1 item. Location: Misc.:D. New Orleans commission merchant. Letter addressed to Messrs. Decker & Mann, Jasper, concerning current market prices for coffee, eggs, molasses, and white beans. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3416.
Demmon, E. L. Oral history interviews, 1958, 1959. 1 item (75 pages and index). Location: U:115. Director of Southeastern and Southern Forest Experiment Stations and special investigator and technical advisor, Goodyear Rubber and Tire Company, Central America and the Dutch East Indies. Interviews conducted at Panama City, Florida (1958), and at Asheville, North Carolina (1959) by Elwood R. Maunder, Forest History Society, Inc. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1681.
Demolliens, Alexander. Papers, 1839, 1840. 2 items. Location: Misc. Resident of Paris, France. Papers pertain to the settlement of an account of Fran?ois Verrier, merchant of New Orleans, and include a power of attorney to Aumont Thieville & Company, Paris, and a letter to John and Lubin Garnier, New Orleans. In French. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 108.
DeMontluzin, R. Invoice, 1903 June 28. Location: Misc.: D. An invoice made out to Dr. R. DeMontluzin for boarding a horse in New Orleans, La. Mss. 5296.
Dennis, W. C. Letters, 1852. 2 items. Location: Misc. Business letters from New Orleans praising Bridgewater Paint, and mentioning an intended trip to Key West; and letters from Mobile ordering sacks of salt and noting the demand for same, due to floods and consignment loss. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 850.
Desire, Monsieur. Account, 1830. 1 item. Location: Misc. Bill by Jn. Tinet for two items, one of which was a uniform for the Opelousas Chasseurs costing $18.00. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 110.
Desmond, John. Papers, 1954-2003. 140 linear feet. Location: 32:-33:, 148:-149:, Map Cage. Office files, architectural drawings (design development, working, and final), photographs, and slides recording the architectural career of John Desmond, native of Hammond, La. and an award-winning Baton Rouge architect. He designed many of Baton Rouge's most recognizable buildings, including the LSU Union, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, the Louisiana State Library, the Louisiana State Archives, and many area churches. Some business records and informational and promotional materials about the firm are present as well. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4792.
Desobry, Charles A. Document, 1860. 1 item. Location: OS:D. Resident of Iberville Parish, Louisiana. Letters patent issued to Charles A. Desobry for his improvement of bagasse furnaces, June 29, 1860. The attached schedule and plans describe the furnace as an improvement over the one patented previously. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 893.
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