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Displaying 3901 - 3920 of 4861
  • Saxon, Lyle, 1891-1946. Lafitte the Pirate, 1930-1932. 1 vol. (on microfilm). Location: Mss. Mf.:S, vault:22. LSU alumnus, historian, writer, and resident of Baton Rouge, La. Original manuscript of Lafitte the Pirate by Lyle Saxon. The bound volume also contains a presentation letter, 1932, to Mrs. Franz Blom (later Mrs. Peter G. Denker) and a photograph of Saxon. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1715.
  • Saxon, Lyle, 1891-1946. Miscellany, 1930, 1933-1934. 5 items. Vault:22. Louisiana writer. The Lyle Saxon Miscellany consists of four personal letters from Saxon to a friend, Mrs. Grace Arny of New Orleans (1933-1934) and a sketch by E.H. Suydam of the Napoleon House and Maspero's Exchange Coffee House, New Orleans (1930). For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1469.
  • Saxon, Lyle, 1891-1946. Play, 1923. 2 items. Location: Vault:22. Typescript and Times-Picayune newspaper clipping of "Epitaph," a one-act play by Lyle Saxon that appeared in the fall of 1923. Mss. 1284.
  • Saxon, Lyle, 1891-1946. Miscellany, 1936, 1941. 10 items. Location: U:47. Louisiana writer. Copy of annual report of Louisiana Writers' Project 1941, including copies of letters to Saxon and copies of newspaper publicity; and correspondence of WPA supervisors including two letters from Saxon. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2219.
  • Saxon, Lyle, 1891-1946. Papers, 1927, 1935-1937. 9 items (photocopies). Location: Misc.:S. Louisiana writer. Letters by Saxon pertain to publication of Father Mississippi (1927), the writing of Children of Strangers (1937), and the administration of the Federal Writers' Project (1935). Part of the Michael D. Wynne collection. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3053.
  • Saxon, Lyle, 1891-1946. Children of Strangers, 1930-1937. 1 vol. (on microfilm). Location: Mss. Mf.:S, vault:22. Saxon, an LSU alumnus, was a resident of Baton Rouge, La. He was a historian as well as a writer of fiction. Original manuscript of Saxon's only novel, Children of Strangers, published in 1937. The bound volume also contains a letter of presentation to Franz Blom (later Mrs. Peter G. Denker), photographs of two of the characters in Children of Strangers, and reviews from The Saturday Review, The Times-Picayune, New Orleans States, The New York Times, and The New Republic. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1410.
  • Scheler, Armin, Papers. 1925-2007, undated (bulk 1949-1985). 3.75 linear ft. Location: 18:1-2, OS:S. Sculptor and professor at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.). Papers include correspondence, drawings, photographs, printed items, slides, and writings related to Scheler's activities as a sculptor and professor while living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For further information see online catalog. Mss. 4989.
  • Schlick, Henry N., b. 1841? Papers, 1861-1879. 0.5 linear ft. (120 items, 2 vols.) Location: U:135. Union officer in the 1st New York Dragoons in the Civil War. Schlick was stationed in Springfield, Illinois, in 1864-1865, and was part of the escort for President Lincoln's funeral. Papers include Civil War correspondence among Henry and his brothers; United States Army papers such as lists of deserters and African American recruits; two diaries covering 1864-1870; and personal letters of Charles Schlick discussing his grocery store (1871). Some letters in German. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1686.
  • Schloss Gin. Record book, 1916-1929. 1 ms. vol. Location: Misc.:S. Cotton gin located in Baton Rouge. Record book lists customers and costs of ginning services. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2975.
  • Schmalhof, William L, 1842-1915. Papers, 1862-1880 (bulk 1862-1864). 25 items. Location: A:119. Union soldier. Correspondence etailed accounts of skirmishes and battles, including the destruction of foundries and a salt mine, while in pursuit of Confederate troops (Apr. 29, 1863). Includes a photograph of Schmalhof by Andrew Lytle. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3666.
  • Schmidt Receipt, 1841 July 23. 1 item. Location: Misc.: S. A receipt for passage on a steamboat from New Orleans, La. to Mobile, Ala. Mss. 5294.
  • Schmidt, Charles E. Letterbook, 1882-1889. 1. Location: F:6. New Orleans lawyer. Letterpress copy book pertaining to Schmidt's legal practice. In French and English. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2159.
  • Schmidt, Gustavus. Correspondence, 1861-1863. .1 linear ft. Locatin: Misc:S. New Orleans attorney whose sons Charles E. Schmidt and Albert J. Schmidt both served as Confederate soldiers. Charles enlisted in the Crescent Regiment, Louisiana Infantry; Albert enlisted in the Ascension Cannoniers, Louisiana Artillery. Correspondence includes three letters from Albert Schmidt and one letter from Charles Schmidt to their father describing wartime experiences in Virginia, Tennessee, and Mississippi. Some correspondence in French. Available on microfilm 5735: University Publications of America Confederate Military Manuscripts Series B, Reel 18. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 2133.
  • Schmit, Mrs. M. A. Record books, 1891-1902. 3 ms. vols. Location: P:20. Dealer in general merchandise, of Washington, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Daybook, invoice book, and account ledger. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1027.
  • Schools in Louisiana using Delco Light, ca. 1923. 1 item. Location: E:Imprints. List of schools in Louisiana using Delco Light. List includes the name of the school, the parish, the town, the date it began using Delco Light, and the model, wattage, voltage, and nature of each system. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3079.
  • Schooner F. Marquez manifest, 1862 Oct. 9. 1 manifest. Location: Misc. This manifest lists the foodstuffs and dry goods on board the schooner "F. Marquez" to be sold in New Orleans. A short manifest for the schooner "Confidence" is also included. Mss. 3923.
  • Schwartz, John C. Papers, 1810, 1848-1932 (bulk 1865-1911). 4.5 linear ft., 66 volumes, 1 microfilm reel. Location: A:19-21; J:20-23; OS:S; R:22; R:26; MSS.MF:S. Schwartz owned and operated a retail hardware store in Natchez, Mississippi. Beginning around 1892, he worked in partnership with R. H. Stewart. Consists chiefly of business letters, receipts, orders, price lists, freight receipts, steamer bills of lading, and hardware advertising letters. Bound volumes include two cashbooks (1875-1881), 25 daybooks (1865-1891), twelve invoice books (1867-1895), four ledgers (1871-1890), and ten letter books (1885-1898). Mss. 385, 4732.
  • Schwartz, Kurt S. Papers, 1932-1967, undated (bulk 1932-1935). 18 items. Location: C:96 OS:S. Schwartz was a member of the Louisiana State University Cadet Band during the 1930's. Papers consist of student paraphernalia including an LSU Library card, Athletic Association student tickets, commencement program, concert programs for the LSU Cadet Band, a University Directory, a freshman beanie, and a LSU license plate. Also included are a letter from Huey P. Long stating that Long had no influence in securing scholarships and a copy of the musical score for EVERY MAN A KING for solo clarinet. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3740.
  • Schwing, Ella V. letters. See Ella V. Schwing letters,
  • Scofield, Elizabeth Ann, Letter, 1865. 1 item. Location: OS:S. Eight-page letter and envelope from Scofield at the Catalpa Grove Plantation (La.) to her father Austin Phelps of Scipio, New York, during the first months of Reconstruction. Scofield writes about living conditions under the federal government and the political and economic situation of newly freed slaves. The letter is dated December 24, 1865. For further information see online catalog. Mss. 5001.
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