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Displaying 761 - 780 of 4861
  • Calloway, Ruby Clifton. Diploma and photographs, 1912, undated. 1 diploma, 2 photographic prints. Locations: MISC:C, OS:C. Diploma is a Louisiana State University Bachelor of Science of agricultural course diploma awarded to Calloway on May 29, 1912. Photographic prints are portraits of Calloway. One is of him in his graduation robes (circa 1912). The other is of him late in his life (undated). Mss. 5335.
  • Cameron, Giulia Valda. Letters, 1891. 3 items. Location: Misc. Concert singer. Letters by Alfred Mapleson, of A. Mapleson and C. Siecinoski's Operatic and Concert Agency, London, apparently an agent for Giulia Valda Cameron. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1541.
  • Cammack, H. C. (Horace Claiborne). Letter, July 6, 1837. 1 letter, 1 transcript. Location: MISC:C. Merchant and treasurer at Branch Mint in New Orleans. Cammack, New Orleans, writes to F. P. (Francis P.) Corbin (in either London or Liverpool) regarding financial matters at Corbin's plantation (unidentified) and the Panic of 1837. Cammack reports on the selling of slaves and an attempt at selling land, the state of the banks, and the political situation in the country. Mss. 5384.
  • Camp & Galloway Brief, 1860. 1 brief. Location: MISC:C. Camp & Galloway were attorneys in Upshaw County, Texas. This is Camp & Galloway's brief of A.J. Brinson and Laura Brinson vs. John P. Cunliff and his wife. The lawsuit concerns the distribution of the John H. McNary estate, which included land and slaves. The Cunliffs accused the Brinsons of taking more than their share of the estate and failing to pay back the surplus. Mss. 5128.
  • Camp Polk scrapbook, 1943 Mar. 8-10. 1 scrapbook (17 gelatin silver prints) Location: 65:5. This scrapbook of 17 photographic prints and three pages of itineraries documents Cary Grant's visit with the 11th Armored Division at Camp Polk, La., during a three-day visit, March 8-10, 1943. Mss. 3757.
  • Campbell, James. Journal, ca. 1810. 1 ms. vol. Location: Misc. Account of a journey from North Carolina to Liberty, Amite County, Mississippi; and entries of a blacksmith's work and charges. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 862.
  • Campbell, James C. Letter, 1836. 1 item. Location: Misc.:C. Tavern keeper in Natchez, Mississippi. Letter describes efforts to obtain employment in Rodney, Jefferson County, and Natchez, Mississippi; poor business conditions; and employment conditions in the tavern. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3120.
  • Campbell, Zoe J. Diaries, 1856-1866. 5 items; 10 volumes. Location: P:1, Misc: C. Available on microfilm 5750: University Publications of America Southern Women and Their Families in the 19th Century: Papers and Diaries Series E, Reels 4-5. Resident of New Orleans; daughter of James and Zoe Lambert Campbell and sister of Lambert Campbell, a Confederate soldier in the Civil War. Diaries document expenses, condolence visits, and piano lessons. Beginning in May 1861, they deal with the Civil War, including events in occupied New Orleans. Papers also include a funeral announcement for Campbell and a personal letter. In French. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1274.
  • Canaday, Nicholas. Papers,1960-1982 (bulk 1960). 31 items. Location: Misc:C. Professor of English at Louisiana State University and a citizen activist. Photocopies of newspaper clippings and letters about desegregation and the public schools in Baton Rouge and statements and speeches by Canaday as leader of the Citizens' Committee and the Organization for Public Education Now (OPEN). For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4773.
  • Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg, 1817-1873. General orders, 1864 September 14. Location: E:74. 1 printed item. General orders No. 48, issued by Lt. Col. C. T. Christensen, headquarters, Military Division of West Mississippi, New Orleans, on the suspension of prisoner exchanges and methods to be employed in sending Confederate prisoners to depots in the North. Part of the United States Army Collection. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3032.
  • Cannon, Andrew and family Papers, 1829-1868, undated (1850-1862). 110 items. Location 11:15, OS:C. Andrew Jerome Cannon family of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, employee at St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery. Correspondence related to professional, personal business, and family life in Baton Rouge, as well as the Civil War. Financial papers consisting of bills, invoices, promissory notes, and receipts are also present. For further information, see online catalog, Mss. 4979.
  • Cannon, Fenelon. Commission, 1859. 1 item. Location: OS:C. Resident of Marksville, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana. Commission by Louisiana Governor Robert C. Wickliffe appointing Fenelon Cannon a member of the Board of Supervisors of the State Seminary of Learning. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1654.
  • Canonge, B. Y. Receipt, 1842 January 10. 1 item. Location: Misc. Resident of New Orleans. Receipt for legal services rendered in settling the estate of B. Y. Canonge. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1244.
  • Capell family. Papers, 1816-1931 (bulk 1840-1880). 1 linear ft.; 30 volumes. Location: U:299; F:11; OS:C; MSS.MF:C, VAULT:1, VAULT MRDF 6. Planters and merchants of Amite and Wilkinson Counties in Mississippi. Eli Jackson Capell was a planter of Pleasant Hill Plantation in Amite County and operated a store near Rose Hill, Mississippi. His son Henry Clay was an attorney in Centerville. Business and plantation papers and legal documents comprise the bulk of this collection. These include land deeds; invoices and correspondence regarding shipping cotton; slave bills of sale; diaries, ledgers, and scrapbooks that document daily activities of Pleasant Hill Plantation; and a daybook from the Rose Hill store. Personal correspondence includes two letters from Jefferson Davis and letters of recommendation written for Henry Clay Capell when he was seeking employment with the federal government. Available (with some omissions) on microfilm: University Publications of America Records of Southern Plantations from Emancipation to the Great Migration, Series B, Part 4, Reel 2. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 56, 257, 1751, 2501, 2597.
  • Capell, Eli J. (Eli Jackson), 1814-1888. Family Papers, 1840-1932 (bulk 1886-1900). 1.3 linear ft., 16 v. Location: E:47-48, F:11, OS:C, Mss.Mf:C. Planter of Pleasant Hill Plantation, Amite County, Mississippi. Capell also operated a store near Rose Hill, Mississippi. Correspondence and business records of the Capell family and related Crawford family. Business, plantation, and legal papers include letters, accounts, and invoices with cotton factors and memorandum books of cotton and merchandise sold; labor contracts and laborersÆ record book; land deeds; and records from the Rose Hill store. Family correspondence from Crawford relatives (1880-1899) relates geographic, economic, race relations, health, and social conditions in parts of Missouri, Texas, Colorado, Utah, and Montana, and letters to Capell daughters concern news of friends, personal relationships, and social activities (1865-1879). Available (with some omissions) on microfilm: University Publications of America Records of Southern Plantations from Emancipation to the Great Migration, Series B, Part 4, Reels 3-5. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 674.
  • Capital Bank. Scrapbooks, 1954-1980. 5 vols. Location: Range 50. Bank and trust founded in 1955 in Baton Rouge. Three scrapbook volumes (1954-1980) contain newspaper clippings and photographs documenting the bank's history. Two scrapbooks (1955-1980) contain photographs of the bank, its employees, and its activities. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4621.
  • Capitol Correspondents Association Gridiron Show Programs, 1960-2003. 38 items. Location: X:15. Programs from gridiron shows put on by both the Capitol Correspondents Association of Baton Rouge, La., and the Central Louisiana Press Club of Alexandria, La., two not-for-profit organizations that support journalists who report on state and local government and politics. The programs contain lyrics to song parodies written by the press members to roast politicians at the national, state, and local levels throughout Louisiana, as well as other newsworthy individuals and issues from the preceding year, including the LSU football team. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4996.
  • Capseg, Ives. Document, 1796. 1 item. Location: Misc.:C. Captain of the ship NAVARRO. Protest of the ship NAVARRO concerning the misconduct of some of the officers on the ship. In Spanish. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 721.
  • Card, H. T. Letter, 1863 October 7. 1 item (2 leaves). Location: Misc:C. Union soldier in the Civil War. Letter written to Card's brother and sister from Glendale, Mississippi, describes travel by railroad through Corinth, Mississippi, life in military camp, and the local landscape. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3245.
  • Carey Salt Company. Records, 1927-1933,1939 (bulk 1930-1933). 0.5 linear ft. Location: 109:23, OS:C. Papers pertaining to the startup of salt mining operations in Winnfield, La. Comprised of correspondence (and referenced reports, contract drafts, newspaper clippings, and sketches) between Howard J. Carey, Vice President of the Carey Salt Company, and business associates located primarily in Winnfield and New Orleans, La. For further information, see online catalog, Mss. 4929.
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