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Displaying 4501 - 4520 of 4861
  • United Kingdom War Office. Report, 1867 Feb. 20. 1 report. Location: MISC:U, OS:U. Report prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Jervois and submitted to the Secretary of State for War by Sir J.F. Burgoyne. Details estimated costs, expenditures, and the progress of proposed and completed naval fortification projects. Report was reviewed by the Fortification Committee and the Defense Committee. Mss. 3998.
  • United States. Army of the Tennessee. Papers, 1863. 3 items. Location: E:74. Papers include a letter concerning shipment of confiscated cattle and the overcrowded conditions in Natchez, Miss., due to the large number of runaway slaves. Ransom tells of attempts to return some slaves to their masters and keeping others in corrals within the city. He comments that the citizenry fears the outbreak of an epidemic because of the overcrowding. Military orders concern troop movements in the Yazoo Expedition during the Vicksburg campaign. Part of the United States Army Collection. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 546, 551.
  • United States. Congress. House. Committee on Private Land Claims. John Ellis Report, 1830. 1 pamphlet. Location: E:Imprints. Concerning the petitioners’ request for clear title to land in Wilkinson County, Miss., granted by the Spanish government of West Florida to John Ellis. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1773.
  • United States Army. Collection, 1806-1911 (bulk 1862-1869). Location: J:6, OS:U, EL74, H:21. The United States Army collection contains military orders, letters, muster rolls, enlistment agreements, and other records created by various United States military organizations and officers between 1806 and 1911. A majority of the records in the collection concern campaigns and operations of U.S. forces during and shortly after the Civil War, while a smaller number pertain to affairs of the army in Louisiana and its immediate environs. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 429, 515, 546, 551, 893, 1493, 1530, 1777, 1992, 1997, 2078, 2292, 2309, 2312, 2361, 2414, 2423, 2466, 2663, 2890, 3032, 3115, 3416, 3365, 3682.
  • United States Army 77th Colored Infantry Regiment. Records, 1864-1865. 9 items. Location: OS:U. The 77th Infantry Regiment of the United States Colored Troops was organized on April 4, 1864, from the 5th Corps d'Afrique Infantry. Primarily muster rolls for Company H, providing name, rank, where joined and mustered (most enrolled in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, or Franklin, Louisiana), record of payment, and comments on status such as present, deserted, or dead and cause of death. The record of enlistment, pay received, and clothing issued for Privates James Jones and Anthony Whitaker of the 13th Infantry Corps d'Afrique are also present. A physical description of each soldier is included, as well as the location of his nativity. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4065.
  • United States Mint at New Orleans register, 1901 May-Sept., 1901 May-September. 1 ms. Vol. Location: P:5. Register containing the names of depositors of gold bullion and of purchasers of silver bullion. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1366.
  • United States Treasury Department solicitor's order, 1842 Aug. 13. 1 letter. Location: Misc. Charles B. Penrose, Solicitor of the Treasury, writes to Balu Peyton, U.S. Attorney at New Orleans, enclosing "a warrant remitting a penalty of $500 incurred by Joseph Sudlow, master of the brig Tarquina" from a jury trial. Mss. 4055.
  • United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Receiptfor confiscated property, 1863 Sept. 1. 1 item. Location: Misc.:C. Benjamin F. Flanders worked as a special agent of the U.S. Treasury Department during the federal occupation of New Orleans, later serving as governor of Louisiana. Receipt, signed by Flanders, accounts for properties in New Orleans confiscated from Edward Sparrow. The properties were valued at $3,000. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3472.
  • United States. Army. 28th Connecticut Infantry Regiment muster roll, 1863 February-June. 1 item. Location: OS:U. Muster roll of a company of Connecticut Volunteers that fought at the Battle of Irish Bend and in the Siege of Port Hudson, Louisiana. Part of the United States Army Collection. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 1777.
  • United States. Army. 6th Infantry Regiment, Corps d'Afrique. Muster roll, 1863 June 30-August 30. 1 item. Location: OS:U. Regiment under the command of Colonel Alban B. Botsford. Lists officers, servants, and payroll; also documents where, when, and by whom officers were mustered into service. Noted at top of document, "1st Regt U.S. Vols or 6th Regt Corps d'Afrique." For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4695.
  • United States. Army. African American enlistment registrations, 1863 October-December. 3 items. Location: E:74. Three official enlistment agreements completed at Fort Smith, Arkansas, for Joel Stout of Marshall County, Miss., Amos Phillips of Yazoo, Miss., and Harrison Herreld of Liberty, Amite County, Miss. Part of the United States Army Collection. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3682.
  • United States. Army. Army of the Cumberland. Orders, 1864. 1 vol. Location: E:65. Bound file of handwritten and printed military orders pertaining to the Army of the Cumberland during the Atlanta Campaign. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 515.
  • United States. Army. Army of the James. General Orders, 1865. 137 items. Location: Misc:U.The Army of the James was organized in April 1864 to operate against Richmond from south of the James River in conjunction with the Army of the Potomac attacking Lee from the north. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4591.
  • United States. Army. Artillery. 10th Artillery (Colored). Fuel requisition form, 1866 Jan 1. 1 item. Location: Misc:U. Fuel requisition form for the 10th Artillery, a black regiment, signed by Captain Henry K. Bicker. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4173.
  • United States. Army. Camp Beauregard, Louisiana poster, 1918. 1 item. Location: OS:C. Poster depicting roster of service in WWI for Company I, 83rd Infantry, 33rd Brigade, 17th Division at Camp Beauregard, Louisiana. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3753.
  • United States. Army. Department of the Gulf. Bureau of Free Labor. Rules and Regulations Governing Colored Labor at Work on the Plantations under Control of the U.S. Government. 1863 March 9. 1 item. Location: EPHEMERA SUBGROUP II. Major General Benjamin Franklin Butler instituted the enlistment of former slaves into the Union army and later established a wage-labor system on sugar plantations. General Superintendent of Negro Labor, George H. Hanks, was charged with overseeing that wage-labor rules were observed on working plantations. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 4822.
  • United States. Army. Dept. of Louisiana. Official Directory, 1866. 1 item. Location: E:74. Broadside of the 'Official Directory' for the headquarters and various departments of the Division of the Gulf, New Orleans, giving the name, rank, residence, and office address of the military personnel. Part of the United States Army Collection. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 429.
  • United States. Army. Maine Infantry Regiment, 14th (1861-1865). Company orderly book, 1862-1863. 1 orderly book. Location: H:6. The 14th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment served in Louisiana between May 1862 and July 1864 and later served in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Georgia. This orderly book contains handwritten orders and company logs kept between November 1862 and November 1863, as well as printed general orders issued between January and March 1863. Mss. 4253.
  • United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Public Lands. Ebenezer Cooley Report, 1828. 1 pamphlet. Location: E:Imprints. The report evaluates Ebenezer Cooley’s claim for compensation from Congress for the loss of a tract of land and improvements on the west bank of the Mississippi River in Louisiana. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 3365.
  • United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. French spoliation claims, 1 printed item. 1884. Location: UU:97. Submitted by Mr. W. R. Cox, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs (to accompany bill H. R. 745). Part of the Joseph Jones papers. For further information, see online catalog. Mss. 468, 534, 544, 1036, 1352, 1357, 1393.
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