The short answer is yes. Most of our special collections are only available in their physical formats. However, we do have some digital collections online, which are made available through the Louisiana Digital Library. We do participate in interlibrary loan services for select materials (typically microfilm) and we offer a variety of duplication options. Find out more about the Louisiana Digital Library: ( View our duplication policy: ( View our operating hours and maps: (
Answered by: Kelly Larson
The Williams Center accepts audio and video recordings into our collection if they meet the following criteria. Each sound record must be:
- a recording of an oral history interview, preferably between two people
- in playable condition and of a recording quality sufficiently clear for transcription
- in a media format compatible with current center practice, which is in digital .wav format for audio (see *below regarding video)
- on a topic that contributes to the existing collection of the center
- accompanied by a legal release signed by the interviewee
- accompanied by a legal release signed by the interviewer, signing over all rights, title, and interest to Louisiana State University
- begun with a recorded introduction including the name of interviewee, name of interviewer, date, and location of interview
- conducted in accordance with the Oral History Association's "Principles and Best Practices for Oral History."
- how well the interviews are documented and the level and quality of their accompanying descriptions
- the inclusion of a transcription or thorough index, or funds dedicated to a transcription or thorough indexing.
For more information on submitting projects for evaluation and to get the conversation started, please contact us at
Answered by: Jennifer Cramer
If the flyer promotes an event sponsored by an LSU-affiliated organization, it can be left at the front desk in the first-floor lobby. The library is unable to display promotional materials for events or services not sponsored by LSU.
Answered by: Karl Simmerman