MYRTLE ROSAMORE: It was more like survival for us, so that if you ever, ever had a point in your life that you could not survive, he [our father] taught us how to actually survive. You could plant a garden, and get all the vegetables that you need. And if you got chickens and ducks you can eat off of that. And then he taught us how to fish. If we had no means to get food, we knew how to get food. It wasn't expensive to make a garden, and it wasn't that expensive to raise chickens, ducks, or whatever. And fishing wasn't expensive, you just go in and catch fish, and fish were very plentiful back then.
We grew up with family that really wanted us to be able to know, that whenever you get older and you have your own family, that your going to know what it's going to take to make it. Even if you don't have money you still can make it, and that's what Mossville was all about, that's what our ancestors did. They farmed, and they sold their crops and stuff like that. So our parents got it from them, and they brought it to us. And now we bring it on to our kids -- those that really want to get into it.