T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History
Sisters on missing Mossville
Shirley Andrus and Carolyn Marshall by Chelsea Arseneault, 2015.
CHELSEA ARSENAULT: What does home mean to you?

SHIRLEY ANDRUS: Being in Mossville? Home is . . .

CAROLYN MARSHALL: It’s going to be really missed. It is.

ANDRUS: Yes, it is. It’s missed when we even left here. Because like we left part of our life here. And that’s part that we couldn't take with us to Lake Charles.

MARSHALL: And it’s something you have to get used to it. You know, when you’re . . . I just said in the country like, out here like it was, and you’re moving into a city that you never knew nothing about before, it’s completely different.


MARSHALL: Because it’s a lot of things you can do out here in the country, you can’t do in the city and stuff. We have to get used to all this stuff.

ANDRUS: And the community is not like the same like being here.

MARSHALL: The community’s not like even, it’s completely different. And as years go, it’s getting worse and worse. You know, things are not like it used to be. Like I say, I just pray and ask God for things to come back and be better than what it is now. Who knows?

ANDRUS: Families helping families. That’s the best.

MARSHALL: They don’t help families no more.

ANDRUS: That was the best time. Sit around the fire.


ANDRUS: Listen to the old stories. Listen to the old people talking Creole.

MARSHALL: Dancing Zydeco.

ANDRUS: Dancing Zydeco.
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This project is a collaboration between the Imperial Calcasieu Museum and LSU Libraries to document the history of Mossville, a historic African American community in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.
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